
"caramelos" in English

"caramelos" in English
caramelos{masculine plural}
caramelos{masculine plural}
Quizá el último día también den una bolsa de caramelos.
Perhaps on the last day there will also be a bag of sweets.
los niños se peleaban por los caramelos
the boys were scrambling for sweets
comen bolsas y bolsas de caramelos
they eat sweets by the bagful

Context examples for "caramelos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Unos compromisos sin plazos, sin números y sin sanciones sólo son caramelos para engañar a los despistados.
Commitments without deadlines, figures or penalties do not fool anyone.
Quizá el último día también den una bolsa de caramelos.
Perhaps on the last day there will also be a bag of sweets.
el suelo estaba lleno de papeles de caramelos
the floor was littered with candy wrappers
la fruta es mucho más sana que los caramelos
fruit's much better for you than candy
. - (RO) He escuchado a uno de mis colegas diputados hablar sobre la forma en que dos niños se reparten los caramelos.
in writing. - (RO) I heard one of my fellow Members talking about the way to share sweets between two children.
los niños se peleaban por los caramelos
the boys were scrambling for sweets
toma y vete a comprar unos caramelos
here you are, go and buy some candy
les compré caramelos a los niños
I bought some candy for the children
les compré caramelos a los niños
I bought the children some candy
comen bolsas y bolsas de caramelos
they eat sweets by the bagful
No hace mucho tiempo tuvimos problemas con caramelos contaminados con leche en polvo que contenía melamina, asimismo importados de China.
Not so long ago we had problems with sweets contaminated from powdered milk containing melanine, also imported from China.
No se trata de mercancías normales, no son caramelos ni son objetos de entretenimiento, sino que son objetos que requieren un control preciso.
These are not normal goods - they are not sweets or leisure goods - but objects that need to be carefully controlled.
una bolsa de caramelos surtidos
a bag of assorted candy
¿Acaso servirá para saber cuántos caramelos han pasado de Italia a Francia y cuántos tractores de Alemania a Suecia, etcétera?
Is it so that we know how many sweets have passed from Italy into France or how many tractors have passed from Germany into Sweden, for example?
Sucedía no solo fuera de las escuelas con bolsas de caramelos, sino que pasaba en los hogares, en todos los Estados miembros, en iglesias y hospitales.
It happened not just outside schools with bags of sweets, but it happened in homes, in all of our Member States, in churches and in hospitals.
caramelos ácidos
acid drops
En la actualidad, esos extraños no merodean fuera de la escuela con una bolsa de caramelos.
Today, those strangers are not lurking outside the school with a bag of sweets, they enter Internet chat rooms and seek their victims there.
Las palabras neerlandesas o podrán seguir aplicándose a los caramelos para la tos, aunque todos sepamos que esos caramelos no siempre hacen que la tos desaparezca de inmediato.
Dutch terms such as or may continue to be used to describe cough sweets, since everyone appreciates that these sweets cannot always immediately make the cough disappear.