
"captivity" in Spanish

"captivity" in Spanish
We will not place ourselves in the Babylonian Captivity of the Council.
No vamos a dejarnos someter a un cautiverio babilónico por parte del Consejo.
They have become victims of the EU’s self-chastisement and self-imposed captivity.
Se han convertido en víctimas del propio castigo de la UE y del cautiverio autoimpuesto.
As every one of us can imagine, every extra day in captivity means awful suffering for Shalit and his family.
Como todos podemos imaginar, cada día que pasa en cautiverio supone un terrible sufrimiento para Shalit y su familia.
They are held in captivity for months on end without being charged with anything.
Se las mantiene en cautividad durante meses sin acusación alguna.
If they have children, the latter can spend their whole life in captivity.
Si tienen hijos, estos pueden pasar toda su vida en cautividad.
A small number escaped from captivity and formed a feral population which numbered around 6,000 by January 2000.
Un número pequeño escapó de la cautividad y formó una población asilvestrada que llegó a los 6.000 ejemplares en enero 2000.

Synonyms (English) for "captivity":
Context examples for "captivity" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is also worrying that people are being held in captivity and as hostages.
También es inquietante que se mantenga a personas encarceladas o como rehenes.
Paragraph 6 states: 'to release all disappeared persons who are still in captivity'.
El párrafo 6 dice: "liberar a todas las personas desaparecidos que siguen retenidas".
The conflict has been over for a few months now, but the people are still in captivity.
Ese conflicto ha finalizado ya hace algunos meses, pero hay personas que continúan encarceladas.
Our self-imposed captivity must at some point come to an end.
Esta autolimitación tiene que acabar en algún momento.
Moreover, the country with the Statue of Liberty keeps 2.2 million adults of working age in captivity in its prisons.
Además, el país de la Estatua de la Libertad mantiene en prisión a 2,2 millones de adultos en edad de trabajar.
Their continuing captivity is causing serious injury to the European Union itself and its contribution to the reconstruction of Iraq.
Todos tenemos que reforzar nuestra cooperación y unir nuestras voces para lograr su liberación inmediata.
The armed gang kept me in captivity for two nights but it seemed like a thousand years.
Over the years many people have worked to create national parks for Scotland but there is one man who can be credited with actually making it happen: John McFall.
to rescue sb from captivity
rescatar a algn del cautiverio
A year ago, I visited a number of journalists in prison and the trade union leader Mr Pakpahan, and I have protested to the authorities about their captivity on a number of occasions.
Hace un año visité a algunos periodistas en la cárcel y también al líder sindicalista Pakpahan.
animals in captivity
animales en cautiverio
We appeal from this House to the kidnappers – in so many places now in Iraq – immediately to free all hostages still in captivity.
Desde esta Cámara, hacemos un llamamiento a los secuestradores –actualmente en tantos lugares del Iraq– a que liberen inmediatamente a todos los rehenes.
We appeal from this House to the kidnappers – in so many places now in Iraq – immediately to free all hostages still in captivity.
Desde esta Cámara, hacemos un llamamiento a los secuestradores – actualmente en tantos lugares del Iraq– a que liberen inmediatamente a todos los rehenes.
. - Mr President, we would like to replace the sentence in paragraph 6 which reads: 'to release all disappeared who are still in captivity'.
autora. - Señor Presidente, quisiéramos reemplazar la frase del párrafo 6 que dice: "liberar a todas las personas desaparecidas que siguen retenidas".
Madam President, two of these hostages have been held for practically a year, I repeat, a year in captivity, and the other five for more than two months!
Señora Presidenta, dos de dichos rehenes están detenidos hace prácticamente un año -repito:¡un año de detención! - y los cinco restantes,¡hace más de dos meses!
Madam President, two of these hostages have been held for practically a year, I repeat, a year in captivity, and the other five for more than two months!
Señora Presidenta, dos de dichos rehenes están detenidos hace prácticamente un año -repito: ¡un año de detención!- y los cinco restantes, ¡hace más de dos meses!
You should also go quickly before Mr Berlusconi and Mr Maroni turn Lampedusa into Europe's new Alcatraz and continue to keep the citizens there in captivity.
Asimismo, debería ir rápidamente, antes de que los señores Berlusconi y Maroni conviertan Lampedusa en el nuevo Alcatraz europeo y sigan manteniendo a ciudadanos allí cautivos.
Two lads from my constituency are also still in captivity in Greece on account of the same crime: this is evidently the seriousness with which this matter is being dealt with in Greece.
Dos jóvenes de mi distrito electoral continúan encarcelados en Grecia por causa del mismo delito: parece ser que Grecia lo considera algo muy grave.
The Tibetans have been deprived of nearly all their fundamental human rights, and the world has simply stood and watched as the Panchen Lama has been held in captivity by the Chinese.
Se niega a los tibetanos prácticamente todos los derechos humanos fundamentales. El mundo mira sin hacer nada cómo las autoridades chinas siguen manteniendo prisionero al Panchen Lama.