
"cantar victoria" in English

"cantar victoria" in English
nadie puede cantar victoria todavía
no one can yet claim victory

Context examples for "cantar victoria" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No se trata de la paz y es prematuro cantar victoria.
It is not peace, and it is premature to cry victory.
No debemos cantar victoria antes de tiempo.
We must not count our chickens before they are hatched.
Me temo que aún no podemos cantar victoria.
I do not believe that we are out of the woods yet.
Por último, para concluir, añadiría, siguiendo al ponente, que conviene ser precavido antes de cantar victoria.
In conclusion, and following the example of the rapporteur, I will add that we should be careful before announcing our victory.
cantar victoria antes de tiempo
to count one's chickens before they are hatched
No cantar victoria antes de tiempo
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
nadie puede cantar victoria todavía
no one can yet claim victory
No obstante, no deberíamos cantar victoria demasiado pronto porque la amenaza de sanciones no basta, debemos disponer de los instrumentos de control legal necesarios.
However, we should not cry victory too soon because the threat of sanctions is not enough, rather we must have the necessary legal control instruments in place.
Considero que hemos dado algunos pasos esenciales en la buena dirección aunque no debemos cantar victoria, ya que no hemos logrado todos los resultados que queríamos alcanzar.
I think that we have taken a number of essential steps in the right direction without crowing about it, but also without achieving the results we want to achieve.
Creo que, en cualquier caso, aunque intente conseguir un acuerdo político en diciembre, tendrá que esperar un poco más antes de cantar victoria, dado que nosotros no votamos hasta enero.
I believe that in any case, even if you are trying to get a political agreement in December, you might have to wait a bit before claiming victory since we do not vote until January.