
"cameraman" in English

"cameraman" in English
cameraman{noun} [LAm.]
cámara{f} [Spa.]
Perhaps it would be possible to ensure that both the cameraman's job and our job are made easier.
Quizás sería posible facilitar el trabajo del cámara y el nuestro.
The cameramen left but misery and death did not leave Ethiopia.
Los cámaras se marcharon pero la miseria y la muerte no abandonaron Etiopía.
Mr President, I ask that when we have a moment of solemn silence it should mean silence for the cameramen and everybody in this Chamber and not just for those on the ground floor.
– Señor Presidente, no quiero entretener más a esta Cámara, pero quisiera hacer un comentario enérgico.
operador{m} [film&tv] (de una cámara)
Not only was this a hazard to the cameraman's life and limb but it was also a hazard to any Member's life and limb.
Eso no solamente pone en peligro la vida o la integridad física del operador, sino también la vida y la integridad física del diputado.
In addition to this, I was proceeding along the corridor yesterday afternoon when a cameraman was walking backwards filming a Member of this House.
Para colmo, ayer por la tarde iba por el pasillo cuando vi que un operador iba andando para atrás mientras filmaba a un diputado de este Parlamento.

Synonyms (English) for "cameraman":
Context examples for "cameraman" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
los cameraman
the camera crew