
"Byelorussia" in Spanish

"Byelorussia" in Spanish
In future, the EU will border on Byelorussia and the Ukraine, as well as Russia.
La unión limitará en el futuro con Rusia, Bielorrusia y Ucrania.
Byelorussia, or Belarus, will, in a very short time, be one of the European Union's neighbours.
Bielorrusia será pronto vecina de la UE.
What was termed Poland in the Middle Ages was in actual fact a federation consisting of Poland, Lithuania and Byelorussia, each part having equal rights.
Lo que en la Edad Media se conocía como Polonia, era en realidad una federación tripartita y paritaria constituida por Polonia, Lituania y Bielorrusia.

Synonyms (English) for "Byelorussia":
Context examples for "Byelorussia" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The past year in Byelorussia could just as well have been an exciting thriller, but it is in fact reality.
Belarús bien podía haber dado origen en los últimos años a todo un relato de suspense, pero se trata efectivamente de hechos reales.
There is certainly much there to be improved, but I think it is inadmissible to lump it in with Byelorussia, a dictatorship.
Sin duda es mucho lo que debería mejorarse allí. Sin embargo, yo considero inadmisible que se la equipare con Belarús, que es una dictadura.
I am pleased that the Council, at least, has more concrete actions at its disposal for tackling the situation in Byelorussia than the Commission.
Me alegra que por lo menos el Consejo tenga pensadas unas medidas más concretas que la Comisión con el fin de reaccionar ante la situación en Belarús.
The situation in particular in Byelorussia has deteriorated dramatically and there have been the most horrible civil wars and massacres on a massive scale in the Balkans.
La situación, en particular, en Belarús, se ha deteriorado de manera dramática y se han librado las guerras civiles más horribles y se han producido masacres a gran escala en los Balcanes.