
"burros" in English

burros{masculine plural}
blockhead{noun} [coll.]
burro(also: burra)
dunce{noun} [pej.]
El público holandés -el burro de la clase- constituye, por supuesto, el mayor contribuidor neto una vez más.
The Dutch public - the class dunce - is of course the largest net contributor once again.
thickhead{noun} [coll.]
obstinate pig{noun} [coll.]
sawbuck{noun} [Amer.]
Y en este caso no para proteger al burro, sino al ser humano.
In this case, to protect humans rather than donkeys.
engancharon el burro al carro
they harnessed the donkey to the cart
es cruce de burro y yegua
it is a cross between a donkey and a mare
burro(also: asno)
jerk{noun} [coll.]
muppet{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]
burro{adjective masculine}
El público holandés -el burro de la clase- constituye, por supuesto, el mayor contribuidor neto una vez más.
The Dutch public - the class dunce - is of course the largest net contributor once again.
jackass{adj.} [coll.]
dense{adj.} [coll.] (stupid)
burro(also: corto)
thick{adj.} (stupid)
dumb{adj.} [Amer.] [coll.]
pigheaded{adj.} [coll.]

Context examples for "burros" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
perdió todo en los burros
he lost everything on the horses
Muy pocas ya que antes volarán los burros que los ministros de Finanzas de la UE (Ecofin) lleguen a un acuerdo sobre la fiscalidad del carburante a nivel de la UE.
Precious few, because pigs will fly, as we say, before Ecofin ministers agree on EU-level fuel taxation.
Se hacen observaciones negativas en este tema y, sin embargo, este tipo de fiestas que nos pintan como si fuéramos unos burros sí se admiten.
My request was looked upon critically, whereas these kinds of party, where we are portrayed as vultures, are simply tolerated.
son muy burros
they're real dope fiends