
"blacksmith" in Spanish

"blacksmith" in Spanish
Practice makes perfect or, as the French proverb says, forging makes a blacksmith.
Como dice un refrán francés, el herrero se hace forjando.
Mr President, being myself a blacksmith and therefore wanting to express my concern about the steel sector, I too would very much like to thank Mr Tajani.
Señor Presidente, puesto que soy herrero y deseo manifestar mi preocupación por el sector siderúrgico, me gustaría mucho dar las gracias al señor Tajani.
I worked as a blacksmith for fifteen years, and during that time, I learned that it is not just a matter of being in the black; the most important thing is by how much you are in credit.
Durante quince años trabajé como herrero y durante ese tiempo aprendí que no sólo es cuestión de mantener un saldo positivo, sino la cuantía de ese saldo.