
"between you and me" in Spanish

"between you and me" in English

Context examples for "between you and me" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Between you and me, Madam President, this is hardly earth-shattering news.
Entre usted y yo, señora Presidenta, no es que sean noticias impresionantes.
That was an agreement between you and me, was it not?
En eso usted y yo estábamos de acuerdo, ¿o no?
Say, "If I had that for which you are impatient, then the matter between you and me would have been settled immediately.
Di: “Si estuviera en mi mano eso que con tanto apremio exigís, ya todo habría sido decidido entre vosotros y yo.
between you and me, it smelt awful
hablando en confianza, olía muy mal
This work, between you and me, is going to be very interesting but it would really be a serious error not to do something else straightaway.
Este trabajo, entre ustedes y yo, será muy interesante, pero realmente sería un grave error no hacer directamente otra cosa.
" Say, "Allah is witness between you and me.
” Di: “Dios es testigo entre vosotros y yo; y este Qur’an me ha sido revelado para que, por medio de él, os amoneste a vosotros y a aquellos a quienes alcance.
between you and me
entre tú y yo
Said he, "That is settled between you and me.
Y cuando Moisés hubo cumplido su plazo, y estaba viajando con su familia [por el desierto], distinguió un fuego en la ladera del monte Sinaí; [y] dijo a su familia: "¡Quedaos aquí!
For me, the support of the European Parliament is of fundamental importance also because, as I said at the beginning of my reply, there is a perfect identity of views between you and me.
El apoyo del Parlamento tiene para mí una importancia fundamental porque, como ya dije al principio de mi intervención, existe una perfecta identidad de puntos de vista entre Sus Señorías y yo.