
"begotten" in Spanish

"begotten" in Spanish
engendrado{adj. m}
Allah has begotten; and most surely they are liars.
“Dios ha engendrado [un hijo]”; y, ciertamente, mienten [también, cuando dicen]:
He begets not and is not begotten!
“No engendra, ni ha sido engendrado;
Yes, the Son of God, of one being with the Father, God from God and Light from Light, eternally begotten of the Father, became incarnate from the Virgin Mary and assumed our human nature.
Sí, el Hijo de Dios, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, Dios de Dios y Luz de Luz, engendrado eternamente por el Padre, tomó cuerpo de la Virgen y asumió nuestra naturaleza humana.

Context examples for "begotten" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
and Only-Begotten Son of the Heavenly Father, has, on the spiritual plane, a
y unigénito Hijo del Padre celestial, tiene, en el plano espiritual, un número
Church,which enables us to confess the glory of the only-begotten Son of
nos permite confesar la gloria del Hijo unigénito de Dios,aunque
on the history of every man and woman: God, in his only-begotten Son Jesus
de todo hombre y de toda mujer: Dios, en su Hijo unigénito
And to give warning to those who say, "Allah has begotten a son.
Y para advertir a quienes afirman: “Dios ha tomado para Sí un hijo.
Allah has begotten; and most surely they are liars.
“Dios ha engendrado [un hijo]”; y, ciertamente, mienten [también, cuando dicen]:
He begets not and is not begotten!
“No engendra, ni ha sido engendrado;
His Only-begotten Son!
¡Su Hijo unigénito!
And the Father in turn accepts the sacrifice of the Son, for he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that man might not die but have eternal life (cf.
En efecto, sólo el Hijo no muere (cf.
the Only Begotten
el Unigénito
Christ, true man and yet Eternal and Only-Begotten Son of the Heavenly Father, has, on the spiritual plane, a countless number of brothers and sisters.
Cristo, verdadero hombre y a la vez eterno y unigénito Hijo del Padre celestial, tiene, en el plano espiritual, un número inmenso de hermanos y hermanas.
She accepted everything and offered it to the Father in union with the infinite "thanks" of the only-begotten Son, the Child, the Crucified, the risen One, who lives at the right hand of the Father.
Acogía y ofrecía todo al Padre en unión con la infinita acción de gracias del Hijo unigénito, niño, crucificado, resucitado y vivo a la derecha del Padre.
Yes, the Son of God, of one being with the Father, God from God and Light from Light, eternally begotten of the Father, became incarnate from the Virgin Mary and assumed our human nature.
Sí, el Hijo de Dios, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, Dios de Dios y Luz de Luz, engendrado eternamente por el Padre, tomó cuerpo de la Virgen y asumió nuestra naturaleza humana.