
"assiduousness" in Spanish

"assiduousness" in Spanish
The Commission should carry out this task in an assiduous and timely fashion.
La Comisión debe llevar a cabo esta tarea de forma asidua y oportuna.
I would also like to thank Mr Coelho for his assiduous and steady chairmanship.
También quiero agradecer al señor Coelho su asidua y firme presidencia.
I would also like to thank Mr Coelho for his assiduous and steady chairmanship.
También quiero agradecer al señorCoelho su asidua y firme presidencia.
asidua{adj. f}
The Commission should carry out this task in an assiduous and timely fashion.
La Comisión debe llevar a cabo esta tarea de forma asidua y oportuna.
I would also like to thank Mr Coelho for his assiduous and steady chairmanship.
También quiero agradecer al señor Coelho su asidua y firme presidencia.
I would also like to thank Mr Coelho for his assiduous and steady chairmanship.
También quiero agradecer al señorCoelho su asidua y firme presidencia.
Mr President, I thank Mr Cashman for his assiduous and inspired work in committee.
Cashman su inspirado y diligente trabajo en la comisión.
Mr Söderman has been most assiduous in executing his brief on behalf of the citizens of Europe.
Söderman ha sido muy diligente cumpliendo su mandato en nombre de los ciudadanos de Europa.
I wish to thank my fellow MEP, MrsKauppi, for the typically assiduous and ambitious work she has done.
Kauppi, por el diligente y ambicioso trabajo que siempre ha llevado a cabo.

Synonyms (English) for "assiduous":
Context examples for "assiduousness" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I feel that special praise must go to Mr Dupuis for his assiduousness in this respect, because otherwise we might have had to wait even longer.
Creo que sobre todo hay que valorar la perseverancia del colega Dupuis en ese punto, ya que, en caso contrario, tal vez hubiéramos tenido que esperar más todavía.
It was thanks to the Commission, to its assiduousness, and the way it forged ahead in order to find an intermediate solution, that it was possible to safeguard Parliament ’ s earmarking.
Señor Presidente,¿permitiría una pregunta a la Comisión, aunque no esté estrictamente contemplado por el Reglamento?