
"arteries" in Spanish

"arteries" in Spanish
arterias{f pl} [anat.]
The arteries of an economy are like the arteries of the human body.
Las arterias de una economía vienen a ser como las arterias del cuerpo humano.
This is where the heart and arteries of every European are at stake.
Aquí están en juego el corazón y las arterias de todos los europeos.
That infrastructure is like the arteries of the economy.
Esa infraestructura viene a ser como las arterias de la economía.
Many strokes are due to a sudden blockage of an artery in the brain.
Muchos accidentes cerebrovasculares se deben a la obstrucción de una arteria en el cerebro.
This clot may break away and block a cerebral artery, thus causing a stroke.
Este coágulo puede separarse y bloquear una arteria cerebral, causando un accidente cerebrovascular.
This clot may break away and block a cerebral artery causing a stroke.
Este coágulo puede separarse y bloquear una arteria cerebral, causando un accidente cerebrovascular.

Synonyms (English) for "artery":
Context examples for "arteries" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is a symptom of atherosclerosis, a disease where fatty deposits build up in the arteries, blocking blood flow.
Cuando la demanda de oxígeno aumenta durante el ejercicio, el suministro de sangre es inadecuado, y se presenta isquemia (escasez de sangre).
It is caused by inadequate blood flow to the leg muscles because of atherosclerosis (fatty deposits blocking blood flow through the arteries).
La claudicación intermitente produce dolor por calambres, inducido por el ejercicio y que se alivia durante el reposo.
Among those that still had heart tissue, 44 had chunks of calcium stuck to their arteries — indicating clogging.
As the glaciers in North America melted and sea levels rose, so did the water levels in the caves, preserving the traces of human activity in place.
hardening of the arteries
endurecimiento de las arterias
Among those that still had heart tissue, 44 had chunks of calcium stuck to their arteries — indicating clogging.
City archaeologist Barbara Piotrowska said it was a surprise that such a massive concrete and metal structure had remained hidden from view for many decades in the city center.
One explanation is that, in general, women are smaller than men and have smaller hearts and narrower coronary arteries than men.
El informe elaborado por mi colega, la señora Svensson, expresa de manera clara la necesidad de lograr una mayor equidad en la prestación de servicios sanitarios.
Avoidance of increased calcium and phosphorus is considered important as these minerals may activate calcification in arteries and tissues, potentially leading to heart disease and tissue damage.
Se identificaron 60 estudios sobre preparados de vitamina D para pacientes con NC que requieren diálisis e incluían 2 773 personas.
Those treated with balloon angioplasty required less antihypertensive drugs in two trials and were more likely to have open renal arteries after 12 months.
Sin embargo, no se ha mostrado que la angioplastia sea más eficaz que los fármacos, aunque puede ayudar a algunas personas en quienes los fármacos no han logrado reducir la hipertensión.
Blood clots in the arteries leading to the heart can cause acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina (a feeling of tightness in the chest) or a type of heart attack.
Las heparinas de bajo peso molecular reducen el número de ataques cardíacos y causan menos complicaciones luego de un síndrome coronario agudo comparadas con la heparina no fraccionada.
It is essential for some public sector activities, in order to prevent hardening of the arteries affecting whole sections of the economy, and in order to strengthen their competitiveness.
Esta idea es indispensable para determinadas actividades del sector público, a fin de evitar la esclerosis de sectores enteros de la economía y de reforzar su competitividad.