In the previous lessons, we've learnt about Spanish kitchen vocabulary and bathroom vocabulary. In this article, we will learn to talk about common items in the bedroom.
Bedroom vocabulary in Spanish
- Bedroom - habitación/cuarto
- Bed - la cama
- Mirror - espejo
- Mattress - Colchón
- Comb - peine
- Alarm clock - despertador
- Hanger - colgador/gancho
- Lamp - lámpara
- Blanket - cobija/frazada
- Pillow - almohada
- Ceiling - techo
- Sheets - sábanas
- Closet - armario/ropero/clóset
- Wall - pared
- Dresser - cómoda
- Mirror - espejo
- Mattress - Colchón
- Drawer - cajón
- Curtain - cortina
- Shelves - estantería
- Light table - mesita (de noche)
- Jewelry box - joyero
- Desk - escritorio
Common expressions used in the bedroom
¿No tienes un espejo en tu cuarto? - Don´t you have a mirror in your bedroom?
¿No crees que ese guardarropa es demasiado grande? - Don´t you think that closet it too big?
While "tener" is used to say what objects you have in your bedroom, "estar" is used to talk about where an item is placed or how the bedroom looks in a given moment. You should use "ser" to indicate general descriptions.
For example:
Esta almohada es realmente cómoda - This pillow is really comfortable
Esta cobija está algo sucia - This blanket is a little dirty
Su habitación está totalmente desordenada - His room is totally messy
¿Tienes un nuevo gavetero? - Do you have a new drawer chest?
¿De quién es esta cama? - Whose is this bed?
Some adjectives used to describe the bedroom:
- bonito - nice
- cómodo - comfortable
- espacioso - spacious
- pequeño - small
- grande - large
- moderno - modern
- lujoso - luxurious
- desordenada - messy
- dirty - sucia
- amplia - wide
- angosta - narrow
- acogedor - cozy
- big - grande