
Word Of Day

  • Spanish Zodiac Signs

    Spanish vocabulary: Zodiac signs and Horoscopes. What's your zodiac sign? Common words when talking about zodiac signs, dates, elements, and symbols.

  • Spanish vocabulary: Materials

    In this lesson, you will learn common Spanish words for materials, textures, and patterns. By learning these words, you can talk about or describe goods in Spanish.

  • Spanish Vocabulary: Baby Room

    Spanish vocabulary: Baby room. Learn common words and phrases releated to babies and nursery in Spanish with example sentences.

  • Around the House - Spanish Vocabulary

    House vocabulary in Spanish! In this lesson, you will learn the most common Spanish words used for rooms and things around the house.

  • Mezcla

    Mezcla meaning, definition, and example in English. Translate "mezcla" from Spanish to English

  • Padecer

    What does padecer mean in English? Translate padecer from Spanish to English. Spanish word of a day

  • Comprobar

    Comprobar meaning, definition in English. What does comprobar mean in English?

  • Curioso

    What does curioso mean in English? Curioso meaning, definition, translation in English. Spanish word of a day

  • Semejante

    Semejante definition, meaning, translation in English. Spanish word of a day. What does semejante mean in English?

  • Imaginar

    Imaginar meaning, definition, translation in English. Translate imaginar from Spanish to English. Imaginar means to imagine, to picture