
Math Terms in Spanish

26 Jan, 2019 Popular Articles, Spanish for Beginners
Math Terms in Spanish116 votes. 1.86 / 5

This lesson provides you with some basic math terms in Spanish so that you can use them in your everyday conversation.

Spanish Math Vocabulary

MathLas matemáticas
Arithmetic La Aritmética
AdditionLa Adición
SubtractionLa Sustracción
MultiplicationLa Multiplicación
DivisionLa División
Divided ByDividido Por/Dividido Entre
Multiplied ByPor
Square Root La Raíz Cuadrada
Cube RootLa Raíz Cúbica
Fraction La Fracción
Equation La Ecuación
The Square Of El Cuadrado De
The Cube Of El Cubo De
Integer El Interger
DecimalEl Decimal
Total El Total

See also: School subjects in Spanish.

Sample sentences:

  • When it comes to addition, you just need to use the word más which means plus and the plural form of ser to mean is or are. You can also use es igual a to indicate equals.

For example,

Three plus three is six - Tres más tres son seis - 3+3=6

  • To subtracting, use menos that means minus or less in Spanish. Remember to use son (the plural form of ser) when the solution is plural, and es (the singular form of ser) when the solution is just one or zero.

For example, 

Four minus one is three - Cuatro menos uno son tres

Two less one is one - Dos menos uno es uno

  • For multiplication, use the word por which means multipled by.

For example,

Two multiplied by three is six - Dos por tres son seis

  • For dividing two numbers, use dividido por or dividide entre.

For example,

Eight divided by two is four - Ocho dividido entre son cuatro.