
"amplísimo" in English

"amplísimo" in English
vast{adj.} (range, repertoire)
Señorías, ha sido una semana en la que hemos aprobado, por un amplísimo consenso, una modificación de nuestro Reglamento.
This week we approved the amendments to be made to the Rules of Procedure by a vast majority.
voluminous{adj.} (blouse, skirt)

Context examples for "amplísimo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los Estados Unidos anunciaron hace poco un amplísimo paquete legislativo y financiero.
The United States of America very recently announced a huge financial legislative package.
Sobre la necesidad de la ampliación hay un consenso amplísimo.
There is very broad consensus on the need for enlargement.
El abanico de delicias culinarias que ofrece el bacalao es amplísimo - y hay libros escritos sobre la materia.
The range of culinary delights a cod provides is extensive - and there are books written about this.
Por eso, la cooperación entre ambas orillas es indispensable y debe abarcar un amplísimo campo de actividades.
Cooperation between both flanks is therefore essential and must cover a very broad range of activities.
Al contrario, una actuación de ese tipo les proporcionará acceso al amplísimo mercado de consumidores europeos.
On the contrary, something like this will give them access to the very large market of European consumers.
Tengo la impresión de que hay un amplísimo respaldo a la sustitución, siendo la industria la única reticente a la misma.
It seems to me that there is a huge amount of support for substitution, while only the PVC industry is reluctant.
Galeote Quecedo, que cuenta con un amplísimo consenso.
Mr President, today we are discussing Mr Galeote Quecedo's excellent report, on which there is a broad consensus.
Debemos trabajar en un frente amplísimo.
We must work on an extremely broad front.
Galeote Quecedo, que cuenta con un amplísimo consenso.
Mr President, today we are discussing Mr Galeote Quecedo' s excellent report, on which there is a broad consensus.
No obstante, creo que en el debate he podido vislumbrar un amplísimo consenso en relación con dos elementos.
Nevertheless I think that during today's debate in this Parliament I heard above all two elements of very broad consensus, very broad.
Todo esto simplemente refleja el amplísimo espectro de sus opiniones y creo que es parte integrante de la verdadera democracia.
All of this simply reflects the very broad spectrum of your views and I think it is part and parcel of true democracy.
Señora Presidenta, ha sido un debate sumamente interesante e ilustrativo con un amplísimo abanico de opiniones expuestas.
Madam President, this has been an extremely interesting and informative debate with a typically wide range of views expressed.
Señora Presidenta, ha sido un debate sumamente interesante e ilustrativo con un amplísimo abanico de opiniones expuestas.
. Madam President, this has been an extremely interesting and informative debate with a typically wide range of views expressed.
Por eso para todos nosotros es un día excepcional éste en el que estamos discutiendo el excelente y amplísimo informe de la Sra.
So it is a very good day for all of us that we are today debating Mrs Waddington's excellent and very comprehensive report.
Sólo la enumeración de todos estos diversos representantes, en sentido amplísimo, de intereses daría una imagen completa y correcta.
Only if all these people, who are lobbyists in the broadest sense of the word, were named, would the picture be complete and accurate.
Por eso, la cooperación entre ambas orillas es indispensable y debe abarcar un amplísimo campo de actividades.
We have established a Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly to supplement governmental cooperation, in which we work together under parliamentary rules.
El informe del señor Agnoletto formula algunas propuestas importantes que, como ven, cuentan con un amplísimo consenso en este Parlamento.
MrAgnoletto's report puts forward some important proposals that, as you can see, have garnered extremely broad consensus here in Parliament.
El informe del señor Agnoletto formula algunas propuestas importantes que, como ven, cuentan con un amplísimo consenso en este Parlamento.
Mr Agnoletto's report puts forward some important proposals that, as you can see, have garnered extremely broad consensus here in Parliament.
En segundo lugar, deseo repetir que valoro mucho el amplísimo apoyo de que gozan el informe del señor Tannock y la política de vecindad.
This meant that a strategic decision was taken over the heads of several Member States, with negative repercussions for a number of transit countries.
Evidentemente, celebro su amplísimo apoyo a la convergencia reglamentaria, que como objetivo va de la mano de la apertura de los mercados.
I am obviously delighted with your very broad support for regulatory convergence, which, as an objective, goes hand in hand with markets being opened up.