
"amargados" in English

"amargados" in English
amargados{adjective masculine plural}
amargado{adjective masculine}
amargados{adjective masculine plural}
Les ha decepcionado la Iglesia Oficial, pero no por ello están amargados.Unos piensan que la Iglesia es incapaz de reformarse, se pelean en otros frentes.
The Church hierarchy has disappointed them, but they were not bitter.
miseryguts{noun} [Brit.] [coll.] (man)
sorehead{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
sourpuss{noun} [coll.]
amargado{adjective masculine}
se ha amargado con los años
she's become bitter in her old age
No se trata de perdonar las atrocidades cometidas ni de negar los errores; se trata de que no se puede vivir en el pasado, no se puede vivir amargado.
That is not to forgive the atrocities that were committed or to say that the wrongs did not take place; it is to say that you cannot go on living in the past, you cannot remain bitter.
Ha amargado a los países candidatos y no les ha permitido alcanzar un buen nivel.
It has embittered the candidate countries and has failed to enable them to reach a good standard.
un viejo amargado
an embittered old man