
"aceite mineral" in English

"aceite mineral" in English
Hemos votado juntos a favor del informe puesto que nos parece importante hallar fuentes de energía alternativas al aceite mineral.
We have together voted in favour of the report, for we think it important that alternative energy sources to mineral oil be found.
(DA) Hemos votado juntos a favor del informe puesto que nos parece importante hallar fuentes de energía alternativas al aceite mineral.
- (DA) We have together voted in favour of the report, for we think it important that alternative energy sources to mineral oil be found.
No obstante, dichas emisiones pueden reducirse considerablemente si para lubricar el motor se utiliza aceite sintético en lugar de aceite mineral.
These emissions can be significantly reduced, however, if synthetic oil is used for lubricating the engine instead of mineral oil.

Context examples for "aceite mineral" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hemos votado juntos a favor del informe puesto que nos parece importante hallar fuentes de energía alternativas al aceite mineral.
We have together voted in favour of the report, for we think it important that alternative energy sources to mineral oil be found.
(DA) Hemos votado juntos a favor del informe puesto que nos parece importante hallar fuentes de energía alternativas al aceite mineral.
- (DA) We have together voted in favour of the report, for we think it important that alternative energy sources to mineral oil be found.
No obstante, dichas emisiones pueden reducirse considerablemente si para lubricar el motor se utiliza aceite sintético en lugar de aceite mineral.
These emissions can be significantly reduced, however, if synthetic oil is used for lubricating the engine instead of mineral oil.