
"ABS" in English

"ABS" in English
ABS{noun} [idiom] (antilock braking system)
Recuerda que la función =SUM() se calcula primero y se utiliza como componente de la función =ABS().
Note that the =SUM() function is performed first and is used as a component in the =ABS() function.
acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS)
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
Quizás, en el futuro, se hagan obligatorios el ABS o los sistemas de control automático de la estabilidad, ASC.
Perhaps, in the future, ABS or automatic stability control systems, ASC, may become compulsory.
ABS[abbr.] (anti-lock braking system)
Recuerda que la función =SUM() se calcula primero y se utiliza como componente de la función =ABS().
Note that the =SUM() function is performed first and is used as a component in the =ABS() function.
acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS)
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
Quizás, en el futuro, se hagan obligatorios el ABS o los sistemas de control automático de la estabilidad, ASC.
Perhaps, in the future, ABS or automatic stability control systems, ASC, may become compulsory.
abs(also: sit-ups)
Note that the =SUM() function is performed first and is used as a component in the =ABS() function.
Recuerda que la función =SUM() se calcula primero y se utiliza como componente de la función =ABS().
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS)
Perhaps, in the future, ABS or automatic stability control systems, ASC, may become compulsory.
Quizás, en el futuro, se hagan obligatorios el ABS o los sistemas de control automático de la estabilidad, ASC.
ABS{noun} [idiom]
Note that the =SUM() function is performed first and is used as a component in the =ABS() function.
Recuerda que la función =SUM() se calcula primero y se utiliza como componente de la función =ABS().
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS)
Perhaps, in the future, ABS or automatic stability control systems, ASC, may become compulsory.
Quizás, en el futuro, se hagan obligatorios el ABS o los sistemas de control automático de la estabilidad, ASC.
ab episcopis faciendis in causis sanctorum" of February 7, 1983, made
in inquisitionibus ab episcopis faciendis in causis sanctorum" del
Taylor Library & EDC, Dunbar Street, Aberdeen AB24 3UB
Taylor Library & EDC, Dunbar Street, Aberdeen AB24 3UB
Rua das Maravilhas, Edificio Camões 5° Andar A/B PT-9000-180 Funchal - Madeira
Rua das Maravilhas, Edificio Camões 5° Andar A/B PT-9000-180 Funchal - Madeira
absceso{m} (producido por la droga)

Synonyms (English) for "ABS":
Context examples for "ABS" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Recuerda que la función =SUM() se calcula primero y se utiliza como componente de la función =ABS().
Note that the =SUM() function is performed first and is used as a component in the =ABS() function.
Quizás, en el futuro, se hagan obligatorios el ABS o los sistemas de control automático de la estabilidad, ASC.
Perhaps, in the future, ABS or automatic stability control systems, ASC, may become compulsory.
Esta misma sociedad ABS era la inspectora del buque que el día 1 de enero de este año explotaba en Porto Torres, en Cerdeña.
ABS also inspected the ship that exploded in Porto Torres, Sardinia on 1 January this year.
acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS)
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
Me parece que la primera fase constituye un gran avance en este conjunto tratándose, por ejemplo, de la instalación del sistema ABS.
Phase one is, in itself, a step forward in this procedure where, for example, the application of ABS is concerned.
Uno de ellos saltó justo delante de nuestro coche y una invención implementada en ordenador llamada ABS probablemente le salvó la vida.
One of them jumped right in front of our car and a computer-implemented invention called ABS brakes probably saved his life.
sistema de antibloqueo (ABS)
anti-lock braking system (ABS)
Naturalmente estamos a favor de que se instale ABS en todos los vehículos así como de que se introduzcan una serie de instalaciones electrónicas de seguridad activa.
We of course support the equipping of all vehicles with ABS, as we do the introduction of a range of electronic active safety devices.
Una invención patentable es una solución que combina una idea con un dispositivo técnico, como el software de los teléfonos móviles o los sistemas ABS de los coches.
A patentable invention is a solution that combines an idea with a technical device, such as software for mobile phones or ABS systems in cars.
Uno de ellos saltó justo delante de nuestro coche y una invención implementada en ordenador llamada ABS probablemente le salvó la vida.
Mr President, three years ago, if someone had asked anyone in this Chamber whether they knew what a computer-implemented invention was, most people would have said ‘ not really’.
Los vehículos están equipados con tecnologías que mejoran constantemente: convertidores catalíticos, ABS, ASC, faros, cinturones de seguridad, etc.
They are equipped with technologies that are constantly improving: catalytic converters, ABS, ASC, lights, seat belts and so on. However, as always, there is a 'but'.