
"a patadas" in English

"a patadas" in English

Similar translations for "a patadas" in English
Context examples for "a patadas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
le dio un arrebato y se puso a dar patadas
he flew into a rage and started kicking them
ni a patadas vamos a llegar a tiempo
there's no way we're going to get there on time
intentaron achicarnos a base de patadas
they tried to intimidate us by playing rough
le dio un arrebato y se puso a dar patadas
he blew his top and started kicking them
el informe está hecho a las patadas
the report has just been thrown together
poco menos que los echan a patadas
they practically kicked them out
los echaron del bar a patadas
they were kicked out of the bar
lo sacaron de allí a patadas
they kicked him out of there
reventó la puerta a patadas
he kicked the door down
los tratan a las patadas
they treat them like dirt
los tratan a las patadas
they treat them terribly
había comida a patadas
there was masses of food
deslomar a algn a patadas
to kick sb's head in
había comida a patadas
there was loads of food
había comida a patadas
there was tons of food
lo agarraron a patadas
they kicked him about
tratar a las patadas
to kick around
tratar a las patadas
to bash around
Todos los ganaderos ponen por delante la salud de los consumidores, pero los ganaderos británicos están hartos de que se los trate a patadas como una pelota política.
All farmers put consumer health first but the British farmer is fed up with being kicked around like a political football.
sacar a patadas
to boot out