
"yellowfin tuna" in Spanish

"yellowfin tuna" in English

Synonyms (English) for "yellowfin tuna":
Similar translations for "yellowfin tuna" in Spanish
Context examples for "yellowfin tuna" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna are threatened species that are caught in the same nets.
El patudo y el atún aleta amarilla son especies amenazadas que se capturan en las mismas redes.
Are you aware, Commissioner, of the quantities of bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna that are to be found in the Comoros region?
¿Conoce usted, señor Comisario, las cantidades de patudo y de atún aleta amarilla que pueden encontrarse en la región de las Comoras?
The eastern Pacific fleet targets large, mature yellow-fin tuna that swim beneath schools of dolphins, sometimes 20 000 strong.
La flota del Pacífico oriental busca el rabil grande y maduro que nada debajo de bancos de delfines, que a veces reúnen a 20 000 unidades.
Two species in particular - the yellowfin and bigeye tuna - are endangered, and therefore fishing of these species should, as far as possible, be discontinued.
Dos especies en particular -el rabil y el patudo- están en peligro de extinción y, por lo tanto, hay que interrumpir la pesca de estas especies en la medida de lo posible.