
"witchcraft" in Spanish

"witchcraft" in Spanish
There is talk of witchcraft, and there are comparisons with the aviation sector.
Se está hablando de brujería, de comparaciones con la navegación aérea.
They are seen as products of witchcraft.
Se les considera productos de la brujería.
Mr President, in mediaeval times groups of thugs and hooligans would pick on elderly women and accuse them of witchcraft.
Señor Presidente, en tiempos medievales los grupos de matones y vándalos se metían con mujeres ancianas y las acusaban de brujería.

Synonyms (English) for "witchcraft":
Context examples for "witchcraft" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
people who believe in witchcraft
gente que cree en brujerías
From the point of view of ethics, I have no interest in discussing the reasons behind this criminal activity, whether it be for reasons of witchcraft, organ trafficking or whatever.
Aparte de la dimensión humana de estos sucesos, los portugueses mantenemos lazos lingüísticos y culturales con ese país.