
"whisker" in Spanish

"whisker" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "whisker":
Context examples for "whisker" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It came within a whisker - and we know this for certain, ladies and gentlemen - of failing.
Faltó muy poco -y de esto estamos seguros, señorías- para que quebrase.
he won by a whisker
ganó por una nada
by a whisker
por los pelos
The extent of our anger is a measure of the hope we felt last year when the Middle East was within a whisker of a peace agreement.
Si, furiosos, con una cólera equivalente a nuestras esperanzas del año pasado; Oriente Próximo estuvo a dos centímetros de un acuerdo de paz.