
"weaver" in Spanish

a basket weaver
un tejedor de cestas
I hope that you will take a decision that respects the common interest of the industry at all levels, including finishers, producers and weavers.
Espero que adopte una decisión que respete el interés común del sector en todos los niveles, incluidos los industriales dedicados al acabado, los productores y los tejedores.
With an expert eye, Dominique weaves colors, patterns and fabrics into fabulous costumes.
Con ojo experto, Dominique teje colores, estampados y telas y los convierte en fabulosos trajes.
He takes us with him in order that we may weave with him the white robe of the new humanity, the robe of bright linen which clothes the Bride of Christ.
Él nos toma consigo para tejer juntos la blanca túnica de la nueva humanidad, la túnica de tela resplandeciente de la Esposa de Cristo.
We have woven ties which we mend when they become frayed.
Tejemos lazos que luego zurcimos cuando se deshilachan.
to weave[wove · woven] {transitive verb}
Europe has served as an extraordinary engine of integration, weaving together nations and cultures into a whole that is far, far greater than the sum of its parts.
Europa ha servido como un extraordinario motor de integración, entrelazando naciones y culturas en un todo que es mucho, mucho mayor que la suma de sus partes integrantes.

Synonyms (English) for "weaver":
Context examples for "weaver" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Next on the cards - and here too Mr Weaver did not mince his words - will come genetic manipulation.
A continuación, vendrá el tema de la manipulación genética, lo que tampoco ocultó en absoluto el Sr. Weaver.
a basket weaver
un cestero