
"vocation" in Spanish

"vocation" in Spanish
Their own vocation is alluded to in the vocation of their mother-land.
En la vocación de su madre-tierra se trasluce también su propia vocación.
Their own vocation is alluded to in the vocation of their mother-land.
En la vocación de su madre-tierra se trasluce también su propia vocación.
vocation of man is contained: the vocation to life and to a life immediately
vocación del hombre: la vocación a la vida y a una vida concebida

Synonyms (English) for "vocation":
Context examples for "vocation" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
vocation is fulfilled to the extent that the human person is able to respond to
persona humana se encuentra en condiciones de responder al mandamiento divino
if the eternal choice in Christ and the vocation to the dignity of adopted
destinación a la dignidad de hijos adoptivos se refieren a todos los hombres,
the base of the Church's mission, there lies the full meaning of the vocation
Trinitaria, fuente de la misión de la Iglesia (2), se arraiga y encuentra
encouragement for their sense of the ministry, their vocation in life, and
e impulso la conciencia de su ministerialidad, el sentido vocacional de su
accurate synthesis of it, nor of drawing up a systematic treatise on vocation,
exhaustiva del mismo, ni creer haber elaborado un tratado sistemático
there is nothing more stimulating than a witness to one's own vocation, which is
que no hay nada más a propósito que un testimonio apasionado de la
is the vocation received from God, but there is also hidden the great love of
recibida de Dios, pero se esconde también el gran amor de nuestras
nurtures in her own heart a desire for a priestly vocation for her son, and obtains
madre cultiva en el propio corazón por muchos años el deseo de la
vocation and to offering their special contribution to the mission of the
consagrada con la ministerial y por ofrecer su peculiar contribución
maintain and defend, firmly and intelligently, their special vocation,
comprender, custodiar y defender con firmeza e inteligencia su especial
mystery of life, in the light of Christ, is that of "vocation".(28)
para expresar el misterio de la vida, a la luz de Cristo, es aquella de «
vision, discernment of vocation, as well as the life, ministry,
doctrinal fundamental, consiguiente discernimiento vocacional y preparación,
the need to show this communion better in the identity, vocation and
carismas y estados de vida, se ha advertido la necesidad de explicitar
personal vocation, so that "they may have life, and have it abundantly"
personal, para que « tengan vida y la tengan en abundancia » (Jn
holiness and to mission", i.e. to live out their own vocation "with
llamado a la santidad y a la misión", es decir, a realizar su
vocation, in accordance with to the norms of the present document and of the Constitutions.
las normas del presente documento y de las Constituciones.
for that generosity which responds affirmatively to a vocation?
falte la generosidad necesaria para responder afirmativamente?
(36) in a spirit of communion, nuns share the grace of the same vocation
resucitado: (36) en espíritu de comunión, las monjas
that calls which determines the vocation, but in a sacramental
sino en sentido sacramental, que considera a la autoridad que
How many of us also owe to our mothers our very vocation to the
¡Cuántos de nosotros deben también a la propia madre la