
"vaudeville" in Spanish

vaudeville theater
teatro de variedades
variedades{noun} [theat.]
vaudeville theater
teatro de variedades

Synonyms (English) for "vaudeville":
Context examples for "vaudeville" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
"The line of the costumes recalls the days of vaudeville, while the fabrics and materials are contemporary,” she says.
Leer másOcultar Benoit Jutras Director Musical y Compositor.
"The line of the costumes recalls the days of vaudeville, while the fabrics and materials are contemporary,” she says.
"El enfoque teatral del espectáculo lo distingue de todos los espectáculos anteriores del Cirque du Soleil ", explica.
I've used illusion as a leitmotif, gradually going from monochrome to color, using vibrant shimmering and changing materials that evoke the flamboyance of the world of vaudeville.
Eso se tradujo en un vestuario que se parece a la ropa común de la calle".
“There are certainly elements in Banana Shpeel that are recognizable from vaudeville, especially in the eccentric dance, singing and great clowning.
"The tone is fun and funny, light and open.
vaudeville theater
teatro de variedades