
"vagina" in English

"vagina" in English
"vagina" in Spanish
Hoy siguen desgarrando la vagina a las mujeres con bayonetas.
Today, women are still having their vaginas torn apart with bayonets.
Se ha usado anteriormente un fármaco llamado misoprostol, que se colocaba en la vagina de la madre o se ingería.
A drug called misoprostol has previously been used either by being put in the mother's vagina or by being swallowed.
La ecografía realizada a través de la vagina puede detectar cambios tempranos del cuello uterino que predicen el parto prematuro.
Ultrasound performed through the vagina can detect early changes of the cervix that predict preterm birth.
Today, women are still having their vaginas torn apart with bayonets.
Hoy siguen desgarrando la vagina a las mujeres con bayonetas.
A drug called misoprostol has previously been used either by being put in the mother's vagina or by being swallowed.
Se ha usado anteriormente un fármaco llamado misoprostol, que se colocaba en la vagina de la madre o se ingería.
Ultrasound performed through the vagina can detect early changes of the cervix that predict preterm birth.
La ecografía realizada a través de la vagina puede detectar cambios tempranos del cuello uterino que predicen el parto prematuro.

Context examples for "vagina" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hoy siguen desgarrando la vagina a las mujeres con bayonetas.
Today, women are still having their vaginas torn apart with bayonets.
Los conos se insertan en la vagina y el suelo pélvico se contrae para evitar que se caigan por gravedad.
Most of the studies were fairly short term, so it is difficult to say what happens to women with stress urinary incontinence in the longer term.
Un método de entrenamiento del suelo pélvico es la utilización de los conos pesados que se introducen y mantienen dentro de la vagina.
Seventeen small studies, involving 1484 women, were found. The results of these studies consistently showed that the use of vaginal weights is better than having no treatment.
Las posibles causas son atonía uterina (falta de contracción del útero después del parto), placenta retenida, útero invertido o roto y desgarros en el cuello uterino, la vagina o el periné.
Possible causes are the uterus failing to contract after delivery (uterine atony), a retained placenta, inverted or ruptured uterus, and cervical, vaginal, or perineal lacerations.