
"vacuidad" in English

blankness{noun} (lack of expression)
hollowness{noun} (of success)
vacancy{noun} (blankness)
emptiness{noun} (meaninglessness)
vacuity{noun} [form.]
Paso por alto la vacuidad del proyecto, la reforma de la ONU: cuando tuve el honor de comenzar a servir a mi país en el marco de la ONU –fue en 1992–, se hablaba ya de la reforma de la ONU.
I will ignore the vacuity of the project, reform of the UN: when I first had the honour of serving my country in the UN, in 1992, the issue of UN reform was already under discussion.
vacuousness{noun} [form.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "vacuidad":
Context examples for "vacuidad" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tratamos un asunto en el que se ponen de manifiesto la superficialidad y la vacuidad del debate que mantenemos sobre la unión política de Europa.
The subject which we are debating clearly illustrates just how superficial and empty our debate on the political unification of Europe is.
Paso por alto la vacuidad del proyecto, la reforma de la ONU: cuando tuve el honor de comenzar a servir a mi país en el marco de la ONU – fue en 1992–, se hablaba ya de la reforma de la ONU.
Upholding democracy also means guaranteeing transparency and participation, not only by national governments, but also by the people and civil society.