
"unparliamentary" in Spanish

"unparliamentary" in English

Context examples for "unparliamentary" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is true that he used unparliamentary language.
Es cierto que el señor Bloom ha utilizado un lenguaje antiparlamentario.
That is unparliamentary, and therefore should be dropped.
Eso es antiparlamentario y, por tanto, deberían suprimirse.
This is an unparliamentary and undemocratic method.
Se trata de un método antiparlamentario y antidemocrático.
This unparliamentary behaviour must be stopped if we want Parliament to have greater democratic powers.
Este comportamiento antiparlamentario debe eliminarse si queremos que aumenten nuestras competencias democráticas.
This is unparliamentary behaviour.
Ése no es un comportamiento parlamentario.
To accuse such a person of treason is, I believe, to say the least, unparliamentary language, and he should be ashamed of himself.
Considero que acusar a una persona así de traición es, por no decir algo peor, lenguaje antiparlamentario y Gerard Batten debería avergonzarse de sí mismo.