
"trombosis" in English

"trombosis" in English
Me acaban de diagnosticar una grave trombosis y las medicinas que estoy tomando agravan mi asma.
I have just been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis and the medication I am taking makes my asthma worse.
En ella se debe hacer un estudio exhaustivo de la cuestión de la trombosis venosa en las extremidades inferiores.
This includes the need to carry out a comprehensive study into the whole issue of deep-vein thrombosis.
Creo que las compañías de la Unión Europea no deben tener miedo a abordar la cuestión de la trombosis venosa en las extremidades inferiores.
I believe that European Union airlines should not be afraid of addressing the issue of deep-vein thrombosis.

Context examples for "trombosis" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
trombosis del seno cavernoso
cavernous sinus thrombosis
trombosis del seno sagital
sagittal sinus thrombosis
trombosis del seno lateral
lateral sinus thrombosis