
"trailblazer" in Spanish

"trailblazer" in Spanish
Europe is showing that it is the world's trailblazer.
Europa se postula como pionera en todo el mundo.
We cannot have Europe taking the lead once again and being the sole trailblazer, to the great detriment of our international competitiveness.
No podemos hacer que Europa tome la delantera nuevamente y sea la única pionera, en gran detrimento de nuestra competitividad internacional.
As a trailblazer on sustainable development issues, I feel it is important that the EU extend its commitments to include international trade policy.
Creo que es importante que la Unión Europea, como pionera en asuntos de desarrollo sostenible, amplíe sus compromisos para incluir la política comercial internacional.
Why, then, should Parliament not be the trailblazer for once?
¿Porqué no debería ser este Parlamento en alguna ocasión un pionero?
Europe is showing that it is the world's trailblazer.
Europa se postula como pionera en todo el mundo.
I believe that, in combating asylum problems, Denmark has set itself up as a trailblazer for EU-wide rules.
Creo que, para combatir los problemas de asilo, Dinamarca se ha convertido en un país pionero en lo que respecta a las normas comunitarias.

Synonyms (English) for "trailblazer":
Context examples for "trailblazer" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This may well prove to be a vital trail-blazer for the strategy of devolved management of fisheries which all of us have been discussing in the context of the reform of the CFP.
Esto bien pudiera constituir una vía de apertura hacia la estrategia de una gestión descentralizada de la pesca que todos hemos debatido en el contexto de la reforma de PPC.