
"overdrive" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "overdrive":
Context examples for "overdrive" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the body's immune system goes into overdrive
el sistema inmunológico del organismo se pone a trabajar a toda marcha
in overdrive
en superdirecta
If there were to be any weakening of those positions, then the repressive machine within Belarus would start to go into overdrive and we would feel even more pressure against us.
Si lo hicieran, la maquinaria represiva de Belarús empezaría a trabajar a toda marcha y nos sentiríamos todavía más presionados.
As today's debate has amply illustrated, the machinery for producing undemocratic, repressive legislation has gone into overdrive in the European Union.
Tal como ha quedado ampliamente demostrado en el debate de hoy, la Unión Europea ha querido forzar en exceso la maquinaria para producir legislación represora no democrática.
But as soon as a scandal breaks, public authorities go into overdrive, opening all the umbrellas they can, with the primary intention of covering themselves.
Pero, una vez que estalla el escándalo, las autoridades públicas actúan con exageración, sacan todos los paraguas posibles, cuya principal función es la de protegerse uno mismo.
Rather than accepting a mild rebuke, the EU establishment went into overdrive, cajoling and threatening the various signatories in an attempt to prevent the motion from seeing the light of day.
En lugar de aceptar una leve reprimenda, el de la UE se puso a engatusar y a amenazar a todo trapo a los signatarios para intentar evitar que esta moción viese la luz del día.