
"camouflage" in Spanish

"camouflage" in Spanish
to camouflage{transitive verb}
It does not matter what letters of the alphabet the terrorists use to camouflage their atrocities.
Poco importa qué letras del alfabeto utilizan los terroristas para camuflar sus atrocidades.
No wonder, either, if the proposal is camouflaged as transport policy.
Por ello no sorprende tampoco que esta propuesta se camufle en forma de política de transporte.
A cynic might argue that all this discussion amounts to hot air and is camouflage for a lack of real progress.
Un cínico podría alegar que todos estos debates no son más que palabrería y que camuflan la ausencia de progreso real.
to camouflage{transitive verb}
camuflajear{vb} [mil.] [LAm.]

Synonyms (English) for "camouflage":
Context examples for "camouflage" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is a fine piece of camouflage under which they introduce this additional factor into the equation.
Incluyen este aspecto si bien de un modo hábilmente encubierto.
Cover-ups, camouflage and deceit should not form the Commission's strategy for the fight against fraud.
La estrategia de la Comisión en la lucha contra el fraude no debería ser ocultar, encubrir o disfrazar.
Not even the nomination of Romano Prodi as President of the Commission was able to camouflage the poor results produced by this Summit.
Ni siquiera la designación de Romano Prodi como Presidente de la Comisión consiguió disimular los pobres resultados de esa Cumbre.
Do you really want to force this regulation on us against this country’s will, a regulation that is eyewash, camouflage, and which Austria will not enforce?
¿Pretenden de veras imponer el reglamento contra la voluntad de este país, un reglamento que es una cortina de humo y que Austria se negará a aplicar?