
"tejano" in English

"tejano" in English
tejano(also: tejana)
Sobre todo con el tejano Bush, genocida de los niños del Iraq.
The American superpower is giving up none of its claims, especially now it has the Texan, Mr Bush, in office, the man who perpetrated genocide on the children of Iraq.
Hace poco, con motivo de la Comisión sobre los Derechos Humanos de la ONU, tuvimos ocasión de hablar con un abogado tejano que está en contra de la pena de muerte.
During the meeting in Geneva recently of the UN Commission on Human Rights, we had the opportunity to speak to a Texan attorney who opposed the death penalty.
Es sumamente importante que los ingresos del petróleo redunden en beneficio del pueblo iraquí y no acaben en los bolsillos de los amigos tejanos del presidente.
It is very important that the oil revenues should benefit the Iraqi people rather than ending up in the pockets of the President's Texan friends.
Sobre todo con el tejano Bush, genocida de los niños del Iraq.
The American superpower is giving up none of its claims, especially now it has the Texan, Mr Bush, in office, the man who perpetrated genocide on the children of Iraq.
Hace poco, con motivo de la Comisión sobre los Derechos Humanos de la ONU, tuvimos ocasión de hablar con un abogado tejano que está en contra de la pena de muerte.
During the meeting in Geneva recently of the UN Commission on Human Rights, we had the opportunity to speak to a Texan attorney who opposed the death penalty.
Es sumamente importante que los ingresos del petróleo redunden en beneficio del pueblo iraquí y no acaben en los bolsillos de los amigos tejanos del presidente.
It is very important that the oil revenues should benefit the Iraqi people rather than ending up in the pockets of the President's Texan friends.