
"taumaturgo" in English

"taumaturgo" in English

Context examples for "taumaturgo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Ministro general celebró la fiesta de San Antonio en Afragola, ciudad cercana a Nápoles, donde la Provincia Napolitana rige un Santuario al Santo taumaturgo.
The Minister General celebrated the feast of Saint Anthony in Afragola, a town near Naples, where the Neapolitan Province run a Shrine dedicated to this wonder-worker saint.
José Rodríguez Carballo, ofm, quien la colocó en una de las imágenes más veneradas del “Santo taumaturgo de América”, como así también se le conoce a San Francisco Solano en Sudamérica.
Jose Rodriguez Carballo, ofm, received the medal and placed it in one of the most venerated images of the “Wonder Worker Saint of America” as he is known in South America.