
"tardanza" in English

"tardanza" in English
Y en segundo: ¿cuál es la razón de esa tardanza en la toma de decisiones?
And secondly: what is the reason for this delay in the taking of decisions?
Y en segundo:¿cuál es la razón de esa tardanza en la toma de decisiones?
And secondly: what is the reason for this delay in the taking of decisions?
Si no la hacen, iniciaremos sin tardanza el procedimiento para suspender pagos.
If they do not do so, we will launch the procedure for suspending payments without delay.
lateness{noun} (of arrival)
explicó que su tardanza se debió a una avería
he explained that his lateness was due to a breakdown
disculpa mi tardanza
I apologize for my lateness
tardiness{noun} [form.] (lateness)
Señor Presidente, pido disculpas por mi tardanza en empezar a hablar.
Mr President, I apologise for my tardiness in getting up to speak.
El largo camino disculpa vuestra tardanza».
The long journey excuses your tardiness. '
El largo camino disculpa vuestra tardanza».
The long journey excuses your tardiness.'
tardiness{noun} [form.] (delay)
Señor Presidente, pido disculpas por mi tardanza en empezar a hablar.
Mr President, I apologise for my tardiness in getting up to speak.
El largo camino disculpa vuestra tardanza».
The long journey excuses your tardiness. '
El largo camino disculpa vuestra tardanza».
The long journey excuses your tardiness.'

Context examples for "tardanza" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Comisario responderá sin tardanza a su vigorosa interpelación.
I am sure that the Commissioner will make haste to reply to your vigorous contribution.
Hay otra razón fundamental para ejecutar sin tardanza el programa.
There is another key element in favour of implementing the programme as a matter of urgency.
Han debido reconocer sin tardanza que el mantenimiento de los monopolios era insostenible.
And they have had to recognise the fact, rather quickly, that the maintenance of monopolies was something untenable.
perdone la tardanza en contestar a su última carta
forgive me for replying so tardily to your last letter
explicó que su tardanza se debió a una avería
he explained that his lateness was due to a breakdown
explicó que su tardanza se debió a una avería
he explained that he was late because of a breakdown
No podría haberle sacado mayor partido, dada la tardanza con que ha sido consultado el Parlamento.
There was really nothing more he could have made of it, given that the European Parliament was consulted at such a late stage.
Modificando un tanto al clásico he de decir que no existe ningún largo camino que excuse la tardanza.
But in contrast to Schiller's sentiment, I have to say 'however far you have had to come, there is no excuse for being late'.
Modificando un tanto al clásico he de decir que no existe ningún largo camino que excuse la tardanza.
But in contrast to Schiller's sentiment, I have to say 'however far you have had to come, there is no excuse for being late '.
Ruego a la Comisión y al Consejo, que está ausente, que intervengan sin más tardanza en favor de los prisioneros políticos.
I would ask the Commission and the absent Council at long last to do something for these political prisoners.
Si su ciudad hubiera sido tomada por asalto, y [sus enemigos] les hubieran pedido que apostataran, [los hipócritas] lo hubieran hecho sin mucha tardanza --
And when a party of them said, "O people of Yathrib!
me preocupa su tardanza
I'm worried that he's so late
Pese a momentos de tardanza y poca fortuna, este experimento europeo sin precedentes ha conseguido unos resultados impresionantes.
The Union has banned wars from its territory, has subordinated power to law, and has brought the participating countries unrivalled prosperity.
disculpa mi tardanza
I apologize for my lateness
A fin de cuentas hemos de asumir sin más tardanza nuestra responsabilidad colectiva de gestionar debidamente la creación de Dios.
In the final analysis, we should fulfil our collective responsibility to manage God's creation in a responsible manner and without any hesitation.
disculpa mi tardanza
I am sorry I'm late
¿Quién no recuerda el caso de la indemnización de intereses que estuvo circulando durante diez años y que no pudimos liquidar por culpa de esta tardanza?
Who can forget the interest subsidy which ran for ten years, and which we could not end because of foot-dragging? There was a mass of corruption.
El Gobierno angoleño debe admitir sin más tardanza una presencia sustancial de la ONU para que pueda hacer de intermediario e informar de la situación de los derechos humanos.
The Angolan Government must immediately authorise a substantial UN presence which can mediate and can report on human rights.
Es posible que esta situación se deba a la tardanza del Parlamento en la tramitación, pero no es, bajo ninguna circunstancia, una situación conveniente.
It may be claimed that it is because Parliament has been too long in discussing the matter but, whatever the case may be, it is not a satisfactory situation.
En este contexto, hemos votado a favor de poner en marcha urgentemente un programa humanitario que pueda hacer llegar, sin tardanza, ayuda al pueblo iraquí.
In this context, we are in favour of setting up a humanitarian programme as a matter of urgency, in order to provide aid to the Iraqi people as soon as possible.