
"sweater" in Spanish

"sweater" in Spanish
suéter{m} [cloth.]
the sweater's been stretched out of shape by the coat hanger
el suéter ha cogido la forma de la percha
his elbows were poking out of his sweater
los codos le asomaban por los agujeros del suéter
this sweater leaves a lot of fluff everywhere
este suéter suelta mucho pelo
chomba{f} [Chile]
jersey{m} [Spa.]
you're not wearing warm enough clothes, put your sweater on
vas muy desabrigado, ponte el jersey
you can't wear that skirt with that sweater
no puedes combinar esa falda con ese jersey
my sweater shrank
se me encogió el jersey
buzo{m} [Urug.]
chompa{f} [Peru]
rompevientos{m} [SAm.] (pulóver)
tricota{f} [SAm.] (cerrada)

Synonyms (English) for "sweater":
Context examples for "sweater" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the sweater's been stretched out of shape by the coat hanger
el suéter ha cogido la forma de la percha
you're not wearing warm enough clothes, put your sweater on
vas muy desabrigado, ponte el jersey
his elbows were poking out of his sweater
los codos le asomaban por los agujeros del suéter
you can't wear that skirt with that sweater
no puedes combinar esa falda con ese jersey
you'll snag your sweater on those brambles
te vas a enganchar el suéter con esas zarzas
don't wear my sweater, you'll stretch it
no te pongas mi suéter que me lo agrandas
you've gone through the elbows of your sweater
se te han roto los codos del suéter
my sweater has gone through at the elbows
el suéter se me ha gastado en los codos
my sweater has gone through at the elbows
tengo agujeros en los codos del suéter
the sweater shrank to nothing
el suéter quedó reducido a su mínima expresión
I pulled a thread in my sweater and it ran
se me corrió un punto del suéter
my sweater is going at the elbows
se me están gastando los codos del suéter
this sweater leaves a lot of fluff everywhere
este suéter suelta mucho pelo
to stop the sweater losing its shape
para evitar la deformación del suéter
you've got your sweater on inside out
tienes el suéter puesto al revés
the sweater won't go over my head
el suéter no me pasa por la cabeza
you've put your sweater on backward
te has puesto el suéter al revés
he had his sweater on back to front
tenía el suéter puesto al revés
I'm roasting in this sweater
me estoy achicharrando con este suéter
my sweater got all balled up
se me hicieron bolitas en el pullover