
"surgeons" in Spanish

cirujanos{m pl}
Surgeons should be encouraged to perform further RCTs in this field.
Se debe incentivar a los cirujanos a que realicen más ECA sobre este tema.
These two points highlight the central role to be played by doctors and surgeons.
Estos dos asuntos ponen de relieve el papel central que han de desempeñar médicos y cirujanos.
The proposal that surgeons and clinics must issue guarantees is also important.
La propuesta de que los cirujanos y las clínicas tengan que emitir garantías también es importante.
It is not good enough for that information to come from the surgeon carrying out the operation.
No basta con que esa información proceda del cirujano que practica la operación.
As a surgeon, this principle would have prevented me from getting anywhere near a scalpel.
Como cirujano, este principio me hubiera prohibido tocar un bisturí.
Commissioner, would you want to be operated on by a surgeon who had been on call for 30 hours?
Señor Comisario, ¿le gustaría ser operado por un cirujano que hubiera estado de guardia en las últimas 30 horas?

Synonyms (English) for "surgeon":
Context examples for "surgeons" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There are still self-employed veterinary surgeons, with their own practice, who are carrying out controls.
Sigue habiendo veterinarios autónomos que realizan controles por su cuenta.
The surgeons have been very successful, and so-called mothers provide psychological support for the victims.
Los médicos han logrado muy buenos resultados, y las denominadas madres proporcionan apoyo psicológico a las víctimas.
I strenuously refute any accusations that I am trying to generate a new source of income for veterinary surgeons.
Rechazo enérgicamente toda acusación de que estoy intentando generar una nueva fuente de ingresos para los veterinarios.
Only a while ago Portuguese veterinary surgeons were protesting against the lack of controls on meat entering the country.
No hace mucho los veterinarios portugueses protestaron por la falta de control de las carnes que entran en el país.
There are of course now calls in this House for the use of coccidiostats to be permitted only when prescribed by veterinary surgeons.
Sin duda, hay peticiones en este Parlamento de que sólo se permita el uso de coccidiostáticos con receta de un veterinario.
Mr President, I voted for the directive on the recognition of professional qualifications for nurses, pharmacists, doctors, midwives, veterinary surgeons, etc.
Señor Presidente, he votado a favor de la directiva destinada a facilitar el reconocimiento de los diplomas de enfermero profesional, farmacéutico, médico, tocólogo, veterinario, etcétera.
Therefore, all measures for preventing the pandemic need to be implemented by all parties concerned in the area, from farmers to veterinary surgeons and, in particular, by hunters of migratory birds.
Por tanto, todos los agentes afectados sobre el terreno, del agricultor al veterinario, pasando en particular por los cazadores de aves migratorias, deben aplicar todas las medidas de prevención.