
"subgroup" in Spanish

"subgroup" in Spanish
sublema{m} [Urug.]
Entry criteria were similar within each subgroup of patients.
Los criterios de ingreso fueron similares en cada subgrupo de pacientes.
We in the Dutch sub-group support this idea and we voted for the Mulder report.
Como subgrupo neerlandés simpatizamos con la idea y, por eso, hemos apoyado el informe Mulder.
In addition, all studies are based on just one specific sub-group of patients.
Por otra parte, los estudios se refieren siempre solamente a un subgrupo determinado de pacientes.

Context examples for "subgroup" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We performed subgroup analysis by method of control (placebo or conventional management).
Se realizó el análisis de sensibilidad con los estudios de calidad metodológica más alta.
The heterogeneity of studies made subgroup comparisons difficult to interpret with confidence.
Debido a la heterogeneidad de los estudios, fue difícil interpretar las comparaciones con confianza.
Sub-group of white blood cells that are very important for the actual combating of infections.
abreviatura en inglés de "Antígenos Leucocitarios Humanos".
Subgroup analyses were performed for antibiotic regimen (beta-lactam, quinolone, and imipenem).
Las variables secundarias de evaluación incluyeron: las tasas de cirugía y de infección no pancreática.
We considered the evidence for the low-risk subgroup to be of a low quality.
El número necesario a tratar (NNT) para evitar una recidiva locorregional es de 16,7 pacientes (IC del 95%: 12,5 a 25).
This could not be explained by subgroup or sensitivity analyses, where data allowed analysis.
Ningún estudio informó sobre los efectos adversos poco frecuentes, pero posiblemente graves, de la analgesia epidural.
Subgroup analysis for study quality showed no effect of corticosteroids on severe hearing loss in high quality studies.
En general, no aumentaron de manera significativa los eventos adversos con el uso de corticosteroides.
of the designated subgroup, following a precise timetable.
a los jóvenes del 14 al 20 de agosto.
Sub-group of the lymphocytes that mature in the bone marrow, the lymph glands, the spleen and in other lymph organs in humans.
precursores de las células sanguíneas de los que surgen los glóbulos rojos y blancos y las plaquetas.
Subgroup analysis according to setting (out of hospital or in hospital) and attending team composition (with physician or paramedic only) were predefined.
Los estudios se agruparon, si era apropiado, y se estimó el riesgo relativo combinado (RR).
Sub-group of the white blood cells that assist in the combating of illnesses and foreign substances, with the two sub-types B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes.
Los linfocitos T llevan un complejo proteínico sobre su superficie celular, que reconoce y puede fijar antígenos.
In the absence of data from the paediatric trial and the clinical homogeneity of studies, we could not perform subgroup analyses on age or asthma severity.
Los 11 ensayos eran de adultos con obstrucción moderada de las vías respiratorias (% teórico de VEF 66% a 76%) al inicio.
Two subgroup analyses were performed by grouping studies according to mean baseline airflow limitation (n = 11 studies) and the use of any steroids (n = 9 studies).
No hubo relación entre la limitación del flujo de aire al inicio ni del uso de esteroides, sobre el efecto de la aminofilina.
We performed subgroup analyses for children and adults, causative organisms, low-income versus high-income countries, time of steroid administration and study quality.
Se realizaron análisis adicionales para niños y adultos, microorganismos causales y países de bajos ingresos y desarrollados.
For how long is the Liberal Group going to be so contemptuous of its own honourable origins as to maintain its links with this racist sub-group?
¿Hasta cuándo el Grupo de los Liberales seguirá siendo tan poco respetuoso de su honorable origen y mantendrá relaciones con semejante grupúsculo racista?
The reports of the subgroup of infants treated with prophylactic caffeine did not demonstrate any significant differences in clinical outcomes except for a decrease in the risk of PDA ligation.
Sólo dos medidas de resultado (uso de ARPP y taquicardia) fueron comunes a los dos estudios y el metanálisis no mostró diferencias sustanciales entre los grupos.
“Having user-defined inputs on the matrix mixers is amazing when you need to send a number of sources to an effects plug-in, but don’t want to dedicate an aux or sub-group,” he says.
“Having user-defined inputs on the matrix mixers is amazing when you need to send a number of sources to an effects plug-in, but don’t want to dedicate an aux or sub-group,” he says.