
"St. John's" in Spanish

"St. John's" in English
{proper noun}
{proper noun}

Synonyms (English) for "St. John's":
Similar translations for "St. John's" in Spanish
Context examples for "St. John's" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Olallo, of the Hospitaller Brothers of St John of God, a witness to
Juan de Dios, testigo de la misericordia, cuya vida ejemplar en el
St. John of Capestrano: a man of great passions 17.11.2006:
San Juan de Capistrano: un hombre de grandes pasiones 17.11.2006:
The twenty-fourth day of June is the Feast of St John the Baptist.
El 24 de junio es la festividad de San Juan Bautista.
St. John Chrysostom makes a beautiful comment on this style
Es San Juan Crisóstomo quien comenta hermosamente el
I was preparing to follow Mr Wynn with my remarks and now I find that I am playing St John before him!
Me disponía a seguir la línea del Sr. Wynn con mis observaciones y ahora descubro que estoy desempeñando el papel de Henry St John ante él.
Basilica of St John LateranHoly Thursday, 9 April 1998
9 de Abril 1998
Now, we are happy to tell you that Marla St. John became the first WIA fund award recipient ever (see more details here).
Ahora, nos congratula informales de que Marla St. John se convirtió en la primera en recibir el premio del fondo (más detalles aquí).
Later the islands were for centuries the seat of the Order of Knights of the Hospital of St John and then part of the British Empire.
Más tarde, fue durante siglos la sede de la Orden de los Caballeros Hospitalarios o de San Juan y, posteriormente, pasó a pertenecer al Imperio Británico.
St. John's wort
hierba de San Juan
Just imagine: the calendar states that St John's Day, which all of the Christian world celebrates on 24 June, is celebrated in Lithuania on 1 June.
Imagínese: en el calendario se indica que el Día de San Juan, celebrado en todo el mundo cristiano el 24 de junio, se festeja en Lituania el 1 de junio.
Christ, then, reveals God who is Father, who is "love," as St. John will express it in his first letter22; Christ reveals God as "rich in mercy," as we read in St.
Cristo pues revela a Dios que es Padre, que es « amor », como dirá san Juan en su primera Carta;22 revela a Dios « rico de misericordia », como leemos en san Pablo.23
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