
"whereabouts" in Spanish

In that case, they must have some knowledge of his whereabouts!
En ese caso, ellos tienen que tener algún conocimiento sobre su paradero.
We want information from the Russian authorities as to Mr Babitsky's whereabouts and his state of health.
Queremos que las autoridades rusas nos informen acerca del paradero y la salud de Babitski.
We want information from the Russian authorities as to Mr Babitsky' s whereabouts and his state of health.
Queremos que las autoridades rusas nos informen acerca del paradero y la salud de Babitski.
it's in Cuernavaca — whereabouts?
está en Cuernavaca — ¿en qué locación?

Context examples for "whereabouts" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
they'd been speculating wildly as to his whereabouts
se habían hecho las conjeturas más absurdas en cuanto a su paradero
In one or two cases the families knew more or less the whereabouts of those who had been abducted.
En uno o dos casos las familias sabían sobre poco más o menos donde habían ido a parar los secuestrados.
If you have any knowledge of his whereabouts, then I would ask you to inform both this House and the Croatian Government.
Necesitamos normas uniformes para todos, sin las cuales no podremos alcanzar una política creíble.
we anxiously awaited news of his whereabouts
esperábamos con ansiedad alguna noticia sobre su paradero
her diary may provide a clue to her whereabouts
su diario puede dar una pista acerca de su paradero
If you have any knowledge of his whereabouts, then I would ask you to inform both this House and the Croatian Government.
Si tienen alguna pista de por dónde anda, entonces les pediría que informaran a esta Cámara y al Gobierno croata.
they were unable to ascertain his whereabouts
no pudieron averiguar su paradero
it's in Cuernavaca — whereabouts?
está en Cuernavaca — ¿en qué locación?
she disclaimed all knowledge of his whereabouts
negó conocer su paradero
we have no information as to his whereabouts
desconocemos su paradero
whereabouts in Austria do you live?
¿en qué parte de Austria vives?
do you have any knowledge of his whereabouts?
¿conoce su paradero?
whereabouts did you drop the key?
¿por dónde se te cayó la llave?
We demand a swift release of the political prisoners and an impartial inquiry into the whereabouts of the missing persons.
Exigimos la célere liberación de los prisioneros políticos así como una investigación imparcial acerca del destino de los desaparecidos.
nobody knows his whereabouts
se desconoce su paradero
her whereabouts are unknown
se desconoce su paradero
whereabouts is that?
¿eso por dónde cae?