
"victory" in Spanish

"victory" in Spanish
victory(also: win)
I believe that MrYushchenko’s victory is a victory for our European values.
Creo que la victoria del señor Yúschenko es la victoria de nuestros valores europeos.
Doing so would be a victory for the European Parliament and it would be a victory for the European Union.
Sería una victoria del Parlamento Europeo, sería una victoria de la Unión Europea.
This is a victory for the bully boys; it is a victory for big money and a victory for bureaucrats.
Es una victoria para los bravucones, una victoria del gran capital y una victoria de los burócratas.
I can well understand why the compromise has been called a victory for the willingness to negotiate.
Comprendo que se haya tildado al compromiso de triunfo de la voluntad de diálogo.
If a victory is achieved, one should be able to enjoy it too.
Si uno se adjudica un triunfo, debe celebrarlo.
The job is not over with this victory for the anti-Meciar parties.
No obstante, no todo el trabajo está hecho con este triunfo electoral de los partidos contrarios a Meciar.

Synonyms (English) for "victory":
Context examples for "victory" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The victory of democracy in Ukraine would mobilise democratic forces in Russia itself.
Ahora corresponde actuar al mundo democrático, empezando por la Unión Europea.
I remember 1936 when a black American sprinter was refused the award for his victory.
Recuerdo que en 1936, Alemania negó el premio a un corredor norteamericano de color.
Needless to say, this is not about whether or not the Bush diplomacy has scored a victory.
Obviamente, lo importante no es si ha ganado la diplomacia desplegada por Bush.
Consequently if this motion is passed, we will have notched up a victory.
Por tanto, si logramos la aprobación de esta propuesta, habremos ganado una batalla.
We need a swift victory during the Intergovernmental Conference in 2000.
Debe lograrse un rápido éxito en la Conferencia Intergubernamental del 2000.
This was a great victory for humanity, and we hope China will follow in these footsteps.
La delegación interparlamentaria Unión Europea/ China visitó el Tíbet hace dos años.
It is so very complete a victory that we are starting to take it for granted.
Es una conquista que se da tan por sentada que está debilitando la conciencia de la misma.
mark of progress and a victory of freedom, while depicting as enemies of
misma eutanasia como un signo de progreso y conquista de libertad, mientras
To persist in wanting this kind of market would be a Pyrrhic victory.
En el año de mi nacimiento, el Presidente Kennedy dijo:« Yo soy berlinés».
The key to victory lies in the four free cells in the corner of the table—hence the name!
La clave para ganar se encuentra en las cuatro celdas libres de la esquina del tapete.
It is quite clear that Commissioner Brittan won a victory here over Commissioner Bjerregaard.
Es evidente que en este caso el Comisario Brittan ha ganado a la Comisaria Bjerregaard.
Some people believe that a defeat for Mr Barroso will be a victory for the European Parliament.
Hay quien cree que una derrota del señor Barroso será un éxito del Parlamento Europeo.
I can well understand why the compromise has been called a victory for the willingness to negotiate.
Comprendo que se haya tildado al compromiso de triunfo de la voluntad de diálogo.
It said that this would just be a victory for President Putin.
Se comentó que solo el Presidente Putin saldría victorioso del evento.
At this time, the victory for the port services workers must be saluted.
Necesitamos una directiva sobre servicios portuarios, pero no en el formato propuesto por la Comisión.
Some people believe that a defeat for Mr Barroso will be a victory for the European Parliament.
Permítanme que les diga que se equivocan: será un éxito para los que no creen en la Unión Europea.
Allah gave you victory at Badr when you were in a contemptible force; so do your duty to Allah in thankfulness.
pues, ciertamente, Dios os auxilió en Badr, cuando erais una fuerza insignificante.
it was a technical victory, but we gained no real benefit
en teoría fue una victoria, pero no obtuvimos ningún beneficio real
If we can obliterate their arguments, democracy and tolerance will have won a major victory.
Si conseguimos destruir sus argumentos, habremos hecho un gran servicio a la democracia y a la tolerancia.
As we must go on pointing out, we owe this victory for democracy to, above all, the Ukrainian people themselves.
Gracias a su valentía y a su firmeza, Ucrania ha accedido a la democracia.