
"utilitarian" in Spanish

"utilitarian" in Spanish
the advance of a materialistic, utilitarian and ultimately dehumanized world
de una concepción del mundo materialista, utilitaria y en definitiva inhumana,
by the utilitarian motive of avoiding costs which bring no return and which
razones utilitarias, de cara a evitar gastos innecesarios demasiado costosos
Is there anyone who wants to see a utilitarian nanny State?
¿Quiere alguien una sociedad utilitaria y controladora?
A hedonistic and utilitarian approach to individuals lies at the root of such problems.
Un enfoque hedonista y utilitarista de las personas subyace a este tipo de problemas.
Here again, life is not considered at its true value, but as a mere utilitarian function.
De nuevo, vemos cómo la vida humana no se considera en su justa medida, sino meramente en su función utilitarista.
by the utilitarian motive of avoiding costs which bring no return and which
razones utilitarias, de cara a evitar gastos innecesarios demasiado costosos
Is there anyone who wants to see a utilitarian nanny State?
¿Quiere alguien una sociedad utilitaria y controladora?
the advance of a materialistic, utilitarian and ultimately dehumanized world
de una concepción del mundo materialista, utilitaria y en definitiva inhumana,
A hedonistic and utilitarian approach to individuals lies at the root of such problems.
Un enfoque hedonista y utilitarista de las personas subyace a este tipo de problemas.
Here again, life is not considered at its true value, but as a mere utilitarian function.
De nuevo, vemos cómo la vida humana no se considera en su justa medida, sino meramente en su función utilitarista.

Synonyms (English) for "utilitarian":
Context examples for "utilitarian" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is easy, too, even if no longer obvious, to identify this utilitarian view of children in cases of paedophilia.
También es fácil, a pesar de que ya no es obvio, identificar esta instrumentalización del valor del niño en los casos de pederastia.
That is an important position if it is not to be possible to use a distorted utilitarian argument to put pressure upon someone facing a possible decision concerning abortion.
Esta postura es importante si se desea impedir la utilización de un argumento práctico distorsionado para presionar a una persona ante una posible decisión con respecto a un aborto.
The balance between basic and applied research is shifting disturbingly to the detriment of the former; disinterested enquiry is losing out to more utilitarian-style work.
Es preocupante que el equilibrio entre la investigación básica libre y la investigación dirigida a objetivos directamente utilizables se haya roto, perjudicando a la investigación básica.
That is therefore the vision of the Council and the Member States, a highly security-conscious, repressive and utilitarian vision geared to their own needs and disregarding the needs of others.
Luchar contra la inmigración clandestina es ante todo proteger a sus víctimas, en particular luchando contra la trata de seres humanos y la redes de contrabandistas sin escrúpulos.