
"unacknowledged" in Spanish

"unacknowledged" in Spanish

Context examples for "unacknowledged" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To be fair there were some signs of improvement which have passed largely unacknowledged.
Para ser justos, hubo algunos indicios de mejora que pasaron en gran parte inadvertidos.
This often unacknowledged country has given another edifying example of responsibility for global affairs.
Este país, a menudo poco reconocido, ha dado otro ejemplo edificante de responsabilidad en asuntos globales.
The necessary but unacknowledged counterpart of all these measures is the marginalisation of the national democracies.
Medidas todas cuya contrapartida necesaria, pero no confesada, es la marginalización de las democracias nacionales.
Perhaps we shall have an opportunity to do that before the end of this parliamentary term, but her contribution should not go unacknowledged.
Quizá tengamos otra ocasión antes del final del mandato, pero sus servicios no pueden quedar sin mención.
The years I spent behind cold bars, surrounded by deaf and mute walls, will remain in our consciousness as suffering that went unacknowledged at the time.
Mi propósito es destacar una vez más la fraternidad entre los pueblos, las lenguas y las culturas.
my letter went unacknowledged
no acusaron recibo de mi carta
However, you are unaware of another unacknowledged genocide committed by the Turks over five hundred years: the Bulgarian genocide.
Sin embargo, ignoran ustedes otro genocidio que los turcos no admiten y que han cometido durante quinientos años: el genocidio búlgaro.
The years I spent behind cold bars, surrounded by deaf and mute walls, will remain in our consciousness as suffering that went unacknowledged at the time.
Los años pasados entre frías rejas, rodeada de paredes sordas y mudas, permanecerán en nuestra conciencia como un sufrimiento que no obtuvo reconocimiento en aquel entonces.
But, despite the unfavourable opinion of ten European postal services, a form of unacknowledged privatisation is brewing in the corridors of the Commission.
Pero, a pesar de la opinión desfavorable de diez administraciones de servicios postales europeas, una privatización, que no se presenta como tal, se trama en los pasillos de la Comisión.
Mr President, clearly there is an unholy alliance – though an unacknowledged and unintended alliance – between the Turkish security forces, the PKK and the European opponents of Turkey ’ s accession.
– Señor Presidente, sin duda existe una alianza impía – aunque no reconocida ni intencionada– entre las fuerzas de seguridad turcas, el PKK y los europeos que se oponen a la adhesión de Turquía.