
"triumphal" in Spanish

"triumphal" in Spanish
triunfal{adj. m/f}
Instead of Pakistan getting itself ready for the triumphal march of democracy this year, there have been clear signs of a hardening dictatorial system of government.
En lugar de asistir a la preparación de Pakistán para su triunfal marcha de la democracia, hemos visto claros signos de endurecimiento del sistema dictatorial del gobierno.

Synonyms (English) for "triumphal":
Context examples for "triumphal" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The stale religious prejudices against Islam reach out and transform the EU's powerful elite into obedient slaves on the American triumphal chariot.
Se multiplican los críticos religiosos enmohecidos del Islam, y convierten a la élite del poder de la UE en esclavos dóciles del carro triunfador americano.
However, thanks to his sacrifice and his triumphal resurrection, he has opened the way to God for us.
Sin él nunca hubiera existido la posibilidad de nuestra redención, pero gracias a su sacrificio y su resurrección triunfante, él nos abrió el camino hacia Dios.