
"treachery" in Spanish

"treachery" in Spanish
We should be ashamed of such treachery.
Deberíamos estar avergonzados de esta traición.
I wouldn't say it adds up to treachery
yo no creo que llegue a ser traición
an act of treachery
una traición
Was it treachery, bad faith, incompetence, negligence or ignorance?
¿Acaso fue un acto de perfidia, fue mala fe, incompetencia, negligencia, ignorancia?
alevosía{f} (traición)

Synonyms (English) for "treachery":
Context examples for "treachery" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I wouldn't say it adds up to treachery
yo no creo que llegue a ser traición
they killed him by treachery
lo mataron a traición
an act of treachery
una traición
The most regrettable aspect is that Prime Minister Fayad, President Abbas, President Mubarak and King Abdullah are currently being accused of treachery in the streets of the Arab world.
Lo más lamentable es que hoy en día Fayad, Abbás, Mubarak y Abdalá están siendo acusados de traidores en las calles del mundo árabe.
And if the enemy had entered upon them from the outlying parts of it, and they had been exhorted to treachery, they would certainly have done it, and they would have hesitated but little.
aunque antes de eso hubieran prometido ante Dios que nunca volverían la espalda [a Su mensaje]: ¡y sin duda, de una promesa a Dios se ha de responder!