
"tiptoe" in Spanish

they had to stand on tiptoe
tuvieron que ponerse de puntillas
on tiptoe
de puntillas
I am worried that the EU is displaying only timid reactions, tiptoeing around instead of discussing sanctions.
Me preocupa que la UE sólo esté mostrando tímidas reacciones, pasando de puntillas en lugar de discutir sanciones.
cauteloso{adj. m}
I believe it is an ominous sign when we demand giant strides on the global stage but are only prepared to tiptoe forward cautiously at home.
Considero que el hecho de que pidamos ingentes avances a escala mundial pero a nivel interior sólo estemos preparados para dar cautelosos pasitos al frente no presagia nada bueno.
tiptoe(also: wary)
cautelosa{adj. f}

Synonyms (English) for "tiptoe":
Context examples for "tiptoe" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he went in on tiptoe so as not to wake her
entró en puntillas para no despertarla
they had to stand on tiptoe
tuvieron que ponerse en puntas de pie
they had to stand on tiptoe
tuvieron que ponerse de puntillas
If the Heads of State and Government can only advance on tiptoe, let us at least give them the opportunity to tiptoe a long way.
Si los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno no saben avanzar sino a pequeños pasos, démosles entonces la oportunidad de dar muchos pequeños pasos.
on tiptoe
en puntas de pie
on tiptoe
de puntillas
In the Islamic world, women are, as it were, structurally inferior, and it makes no sense whatsoever to tiptoe around this unpleasant fact.
En el mundo islámico las mujeres son, por así decirlo, estructuralmente inferiores, y no tiene sentido en absoluto pasar de puntillas por este hecho desagradable.