
"staring" in Spanish

"staring" in Spanish
to stare{intransitive verb}
he held her stare for a moment, then averted his eyes
aguantó su mirada un momento y desvió los ojos
she froze him with an icy stare
lo fulminó con una mirada glacial
he was staring into space
tenía la mirada fija
to stare{intransitive verb}
In recent weeks the global finance system has stared into an abyss and we need concerted action to pull it back.
En las últimas semanas, el sistema financiero mundial ha mirado al abismo y necesitamos una acción concertada para sacarlo de ahí.
He lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and daughter, staring out at the rain clouds as he pounds out letters on his keyboard.
Actualmente vive en el Noroeste de los Estados Unidos con su mujer y su hija, y dedica su tiempo a mirar las nubes que amenazan lluvia y a aporrear palabras en su teclado.
He currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and daughter, staring out at the rain clouds as he pounds out letters on his keyboard.
Actualmente reside en el Noroeste de Estados Unidos con su mujer y su hija, y dedica su tiempo a mirar las nubes que amenazan lluvia y a teclear palabras con fuerza en su teclado.

Synonyms (English) for "staring":
Context examples for "staring" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The iceberg is staring him in the face, but he still has time to avoid it.
Tiene el iceberg delante, pero todavía hay tiempo para evitarlo.
Many will be staring death in the face if no way is found of ending this hunger strike.
A muchos les espera la muerte si no se consigue encontrar una salida que permita poner fin a esta huelga de hambre.
I'm not going to sit at home staring at the walls
no pienso quedarme en casa mirando las paredes
he stood there staring into space
se quedó con los ojos perdidos en el horizonte
she sat there, staring into space
estaba allí sentada, con la mirada perdida
he was staring at the portrait
tenía los ojos clavados en el retrato
he was staring straight into my eyes
me miraba fijamente a los ojos
The need for new rural development policies is there, staring us in the face, and the Commissioner's announcements are no longer satisfactory.
Las exigencias de la nueva política de desarrollo rural están ahí y ya no nos basta lo que nos anuncia el Comisario.
he sat staring into space
estaba sentado con la mirada perdida
she was staring at the ground
tenía la mirada fija en el suelo
he was staring intently at them
tenía la mirada fija en ellos
ruin was staring him in the face
estaba a un paso de la ruina
he was staring intently at them
los miraba de hito en hito
she sat staring into space
estaba sentada mirando al vacío
he sat staring into space
estaba sentado mirando al vacío
One thing above all else is staring us in the face: the massive dependence on oil and on imported oil in particular.
Por encima de todo, nos encontramos ante una circunstancia particular: la dependencia masiva del petróleo y, en particular, de las importaciones de petróleo.
he was staring into space
tenía la mirada fija
what are you staring at?
¿qué miras?
I would like to stress that we should not spend so much time staring at institutional and bureaucratic processes that we can no longer see the wood for the trees.
Quisiera resaltar que hemos empleado tanto tiempo observando procesos institucionales y burocráticos que las ramas ya no nos dejan ver el bosque.
The Italian Presidency should have presented some conclusive documents at Brussels to attempt to resolve issues which have been staring us in the face for months.
La Presidencia italiana debería haber presentado algunos documentos concluyentes en Bruselas para intentar resolver cuestiones conocidas desde hace meses.