
"smelling" in Spanish

"smelling" in Spanish
It smelt of oil and if it did not smell of dollars, that was because we have known since ancient times that money has no smell.
Olía a petróleo y, si no olía a dólares, era porque sabemos desde siempre que el dinero no huele.
To learn what flowers or fruit smell like it is better to buy the natural article.
Para aprender cómo huelen las flores o las frutas es mejor comprar el artículo natural.
Well, I can tell you the rose revolution did not smell of roses.
Pero puedo decirles que la revolución de las rosas no olía a rosas.
to smell danger
olfatear el peligro
It must be said that our fellow citizens can detect a strong smell of oil in this matter.
Es preciso decir que nuestros conciudadanos pueden detectar un fuerte olor a petróleo en este asunto.
Madam President, when we came in this morning there was a distinct smell of cigars in this Chamber.
Señora Presidenta, cuando entramos esta mañana había un olor palpable de cigarros puros en esta Cámara.
The smell is absolutely disgusting!
Ese olor es verdaderamente molesto.
Wake up and smell the coffee!
¡Despertemos y gocemos con el aroma del café!
smell(also: nose, scent)
it has a very highly developed sense of smell
tiene el sentido del olfato muy desarrollado
she has a very keen sense of smell
tiene muy aguzado el sentido del olfato
a keen sense of smell
un agudo sentido del olfato

Synonyms (English) for "smelling":
Context examples for "smelling" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nor did the Commission come up smelling of roses here.
La Comisión tampoco se ha cubierto de gloria en este asunto.
Does this mean that everything is smelling of roses, or that nothing is going wrong?
¿Significa que nada anda mal?
with his breath smelling of alcohol
con la boca oliente a alcohol
I wish they would serve Parma ham, spaghetti with pesto from Genoa, polenta from Veneto and sweet-smelling tomatoes from Naples!
Yo quisiera que en el avión nos sirvieran jamón de Parma, spaghetti al pesto de Génova, polenta de Véneto, tomates perfumados de Nápoles ".
If you go out in a boat in the wonderful archipelago in summer, you are met by a decimetre-thick green, foul-smelling layer of algae.
Si se adentran con un barco en este maravilloso archipiélago en verano, serán recibidos por una hedionda capa de algas de diez centímetros de grosor.
smelling of lavender
olorosa a lavanda
smelling of sth
oliente a algo
smelling of sth
oloroso a algo
After all, each school, each educational network, wants to come out of this enquiry smelling of roses, but at the same time, each parent wants their children to attend good schools.
Porque cada instituto y cada red educativa quieren salir bienparados, pero al mismo tiempo cada padre quiere que su hijo vaya a un buen colegio.