
"sequential" in Spanish

"sequential" in Spanish
secuencial{adj. m/f}
Each picture will be given the new name with a different sequential number, like this:
A cada imagen se le asignará el nombre nuevo con un número secuencial diferente del siguiente modo:
The Commission is proposing a single number and I propose that this number should be sequential, in one or more series.
La Comisión propone un número único y yo propongo que ese número único sea secuencial, con una o más series.
indexed sequential access method
método de acceso secuencial indizado
Cards must be placed on a column in descending sequential order, and alternating red and black.
Las cartas de una columna se deben colocar de forma consecutiva y en orden descendente, alternando rojo y negro.
Then, press the Shift key to select a sequence of slides, or use the Ctrl key to select multiple, non-sequential slides.
También puedes pulsar la tecla Mayús para seleccionar diapositivas consecutivas o bien la tecla Control para seleccionar varias diapositivas no consecutivas.

Synonyms (English) for "sequential":
Context examples for "sequential" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Trial sequential analyses were conducted to minimise the risk of random errors.
Tres autores extrajeron los datos.
indexed sequential access method
método de acceso secuencial indizado
and sequential .tga
y archivos secuenciales.tga
“The third quarter showed sequential improvement in revenue and expanded gross margins, resulting in another quarter of improving results.”
“The third quarter showed sequential improvement in revenue and expanded gross margins, resulting in another quarter of improving results.”
sequential search
búsqueda secuencial
The project was iniciated by Professor Heinz Rüther and made possible in 2004 through a number of sequential grants from the Andrew W.
El profesor Heinz Rüther fue el que inició el proyecto y el que lo hizo posible en 2004 gracias a un número seguido de becas de la fundación Andrew W. Mellon.
“Our sequential improvement in revenue, margin and earnings in the second quarter is an indication that our transformation is on schedule,” said Gary Greenfield, Avid chairman and CEO.
“Our sequential improvement in revenue, margin and earnings in the second quarter is an indication that our transformation is on schedule,” said Gary Greenfield, Avid chairman and CEO.
After the dissolution of the federal state, the USSR, no sequential transition period was set out during which people could have resolved issues such as family reunification, citizenship, and so on.
Tras la disolución del Estado federal, la URSS, no se fijó un período transitorio durante el cual la población pudiera resolver problemas como la reunificación familiar, la ciudadanía y otros.