
"satisfactoriamente" in English

"satisfactoriamente" in English
Sin coordinación, el mercado interior no funcionaría satisfactoriamente.
Without coordination, the internal market would not function satisfactorily.
Eso se refleja ahora satisfactoriamente en la propuesta de Reglamento de la Comisión.
This is now satisfactorily reflected in the Commission proposal for the regulation.
La cooperación en materia energética no avanza satisfactoriamente.
Cooperation on the issue of energy is not progressing satisfactorily.
En la práctica, no se puede decir que se logre alcanzar muy satisfactoriamente este objetivo.
In practice this is not actually being implemented very successfully.
Ahora hemos avanzado satisfactoriamente una distancia considerable en el camino de las reformas.
We have now successfully progressed a considerable distance along the reform road.
La Presidencia ha conseguido coronar satisfactoriamente la totalidad de su agenda con un nuevo Tratado.
The Presidency has successfully managed to crown its full agenda with a new treaty.

Context examples for "satisfactoriamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Entonces podríamos comenzar el diálogo y llevarlo satisfactoriamente a término.
We could then begin a dialogue and bring it to a satisfactory conclusion.
No obstante, pienso que por regla general hemos solucionado los problemas satisfactoriamente.
But, generally, I think that we have managed to resolve any problems very well.
Aún no se ha investigado satisfactoriamente este acto de violencia.
There has still been no satisfactory investigation into that act of violence.
Recibirá un mensaje que le indicará si la actualización se completó satisfactoriamente.
You'll receive a message indicating whether the update was successful.
Sin embargo son infringidas a menudo, no son controladas ni satisfactoriamente ejecutadas.
But they are often ignored, or are inadequately implemented or monitored.
Estas negociaciones con Croacia están progresando satisfactoriamente en conjunto.
These negotiations with Croatia are progressing well overall.
Las exigencias de la Asamblea han quedado satisfactoriamente reflejadas en el articulado.
Parliament's demands have been adequately reflected in the articles.
Por desgracia, los que existen ahora no atienden satisfactoriamente la demanda.
Unfortunately, those that exist do not now meet the demand.
A lo largo de los años no hemos solucionado satisfactoriamente este asunto.
Over the years, we have not dealt with this issue adequately.
De este modo hemos podido centrarnos en su materialización y avanzar satisfactoriamente.
This means that we were able to focus on implementing it and we have made satisfactory progress.
Sin duda, necesitamos una Europa social, pero ha de ser una Europa social que funcione satisfactoriamente.
Of course we need a social Europe, but it has to be a social Europe that works.
Es posible que vea una notificación que le indicará si la actualización se completó satisfactoriamente.
You might see a notification indicating whether the update was successful.
Mirando hacia atrás, vemos que muchos países miembros no han cumplido satisfactoriamente las leyes.
A look back shows that many Member States have been poor at complying with the legislation.
El curso definitivo que tome dependerá de que el proceso de paz se negocie satisfactoriamente.
The final course it takes will depend upon the successful negotiated outcome to the peace process.
Aún no se ha investigado satisfactoriamente este acto de violencia.
All are minorities in their respective autonomous republics.
Creo que la Comisión ha respondido satisfactoriamente a la mayoría de estas cuestiones.
I believe, though, that the Commission has been able to find satisfactory answers to most of these questions.
Esto funciona satisfactoriamente, ya que los países y las partes del mercado laboral han colaborado.
This works well because the countries concerned have cooperated with the employers and employees.
La cuestión es si las leyes en vigor funcionan satisfactoriamente.
The question is whether existing laws work well.
La buena noticia es que se recupera satisfactoriamente y esperamos volver a tenerla entre nosotros en breve.
The good news is that she is making an excellent recovery and should be back with us very shortly.
En este contexto, la UE acoge satisfactoriamente el resultado de la reciente cumbre de la SADC del 31 de marzo de 2011.
In this context, the EU welcomes the outcome of the recent SADC summit on 31 March 2011.